  • 期刊


The Key Factors of Enhancing Governments' Policy Support through Social Media


近年來由於資訊科技的快速發展,政府機關也開始運用各種社群媒體平台來宣導政策內容。本研究探討提升政府在社群媒體上對政策支持度之關鍵因素。在本研究架構方面,影響因素構面包含: 影像品質、政策清楚度與娛樂性;影響因素會影響政策認同度,且政策認同度會正向影響政策支持度。研究小組於發放240份問卷,經篩選剃除不適合者,共收回207份有效問卷作為研究樣本,回收率達86.25%。經統計分析後發現,本研究之結果皆支持研究假設。其中影像品質、政策清楚度、娛樂性對於政策認同度有正向顯著影響,且政策認同度對於政策支持度持有正向顯著影響。本研究亦發現,政策清楚度對於政策支持度亦有正向顯著影響,因此建議政府在社群媒體上做宣傳活動時,需尤其注意政策的訊息是否明確清楚。由於認同度對於支持度具有極大正向影響,在影響政策認同度因素方面,建議政府在考慮因素的優先處理依序為注意政策是否在字面或語意上有明確表達清楚、影像品質是否佳,當以上兩者尤為重要的因素兼顧好後政府即可達到預期的目的。


With the rapid development of information technology, governments also start using social media to propagate the policy. This study aims to discuss how the key factors affect policy acceptance through social media. As for the conceptual framework, the antecedents include image quality, policy clarity and entertainment information. The factors affect the degree of policy identification, which positively influences policy support. We collected 240 questionnaires and the number of valid ones is 207 with 86.25% effective rate. After statistical analysis, our results support the research hypothesis, which means image quality, policy clarity and entertainment have positive effects on policy acceptance. Besides, policy identification also has positive effects on policy support. Moreover, policy clarity has positive influences on the degree of policy support. Therefore, the suggestion for governments is to be clear and specific of the policy while publicizing the policy through social media. As for policy identification, the priority is to focus on the clearance of wording, and the image quality. If these two factors could be well emphasized, then the governments may achieve their desired outcome.
