  • 期刊


A Study on the Application of Cloud Computing in Maintenance and Management System for Breakwater


防波堤構造物的劣化或損傷,可能影響堤體安全與設施功能。基於防波堤維護管理工作的落實與效率提升,本研究以雲端運算概念整合防波堤檢測作業系統,期能協助管理單位更有效率地執行防波堤設施維護管理作業。本研究檢測維修作業架構,主要參考《港灣構造物維護管理準則之研究》之評估方法進行規劃,以八斗子漁港碧砂港區防波堤構造物為研究例,透過現場實際檢測成果,檢討防波堤構造物狀況指標(CI值)分級區間的妥適性,完成建構防波堤檢維修系統。復以Android作業系統開發可於Google Web Toolkit(GWT)網頁平臺上執行的防波堤檢測系統應用程式(Application;APP),可提供作業人員檢測表單,即時將檢測資料上傳於資料庫中,藉由雲端運算服務加速檢測作業流程,未來更可提供國內其它港口及不同港灣構造物檢維修系統建置之參酌。


Breakwater facilities deterioration causes damages to the security and function of port facilities. In order to increase the efficiency and decrease the man-hours of the inspection work, the object of this study is to use the cloud computing system to develop the Breakwater Inspection System, which offers the maintenance information to Maritime Administration. The evaluate algorithm of the Technique of Damage Prevention for Harbor Facilities (I) - The Study of the Standard Codes of Maintenance and Management for Port Structures to calibrate the Critical Identify (CI value) is used to inspect the damage level of port facilities in Badouzi fishing port. The developing application of maintenance management for breakwater system based on Android operation system can be performed on the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) web platform as well, making the use of online inspection job easier and faster. In the future, we hope that it can provide the maintenance management system for other ports.
