  • 期刊

On Integrating Buddhism into Group Counseling for Parolees




本研究旨在探討為受保護管束人所設計之團體諮商中融入佛法之教導,其可行性與成效。 2000年年初,中部某檢察署與當地一公益諮商機構合作,為40位受保護管束人設計一整年的團體諮商活動。其目的乃是藉由佛法之教導與團體諮商相互呼應以灌輸參與者正確的待人處事觀念以及情緒管理,並改進他們的進退禮儀與言行。 該團體諮商每月舉辦一次,每次二小時。第一個小時是以法師演講為重點,並由法師帶領唱誦經文與靜坐。第二個小時則由9位義務諮商員,分三個小組進行團體諮商。諮商的活動內容以討論法師的演講為主,再導引至參與者之日常生活體現,旁及最近之生活狀況與情緒。依照焦點集中問題解決之治療理念(SFBT),讓參與者能自行找出問題所在與可實行的解決方法,並予以恰當的鼓勵與正向回饋。 九位諮商員對此團體諮商之模式與參與者之態度以填答問卷做評估。其結果顯示參與者剛開始時,較多表現不合作與消極反抗之行為,無論聽法師演講或在團體諮商之中,負向情緒較多,諮商員亦感到無奈與挫折。團體氣氣與團體凝聚力皆不穩定。但是從第四、五次聚會以後情況較能掌控,諮商員與參與者之間逐漸發展出互敬互信的動力,參與者之間亦較能互助、學習傾聽,可以交換意見與互相鼓勵。諮商員亦逐漸恢復自信。雖然此實驗大致達到該項計畫的目的,但是此種諮商模式仍有許多待修訂之處,期望日後能再有機會實行。


This study describes a novel group-counseling model for parolees in Taiwan that incorporates Buddhist teaching principles. Since 1997, a non-profit counseling center has cooperated with the parole office of the District Prosecutor's Bureau in Taichung City in counseling people on parole. In 2000, a one-year counseling program was designed especially for 40 parolees, of whom 30 were male and 10 female. The parolees were divided into three groups, led by a total of nine volunteer counselors. At the end of the year, each parolee and counselor was given two questionnaires to evaluate this experiment. The results showed that in comparison to other kinds of group activities for parolees in the same year, group counseling was more effective than other types in improving interpersonal relationships, especially those between parolees and their families. The parolees felt that they could better control their temper and feelings, although some considered the program boring and uninteresting. The counselors shared the opinion that leading such a group was challenging. They noted that building a trusting and cooperative relationship with the parolees was extremely difficult because most of them were forced by the parole office to participate in this program. However, in time, the counselors sensed that most parolees gradually lowered their defensive attitude towards them and learned instead to share their thoughts and feelings, as well as encourage one another. At the end of the year, most parolees developed an appreciation for the warmth, patience, empathy, and positive attitude of their counselors. This paper will further analyze the counselors' evaluation of this program and the dynamic of group counseling.


group counseling Buddhism parolees group dynamic
