  • 期刊


A Research of the Creative Design and Teaching Involvement in Primary School



現今國小教育之教學行為不只是在教室中進行,更需強調讓學生接觸多樣化的教學情境與進行實際操作學習的教學場所,因其影響的不僅是教師妥善的教學與學生充分的學習,且更是學校課程落實的關鍵。本研究之內容主要在探討如何利用國小校園原有空間、景觀等進行部分空間改造後,塑造不同創意教學空間,導入各項教學與活動之應用,引發學生學習興趣,成為學生課餘活動場所,讓學生感受校園不再是冷冰冰的水泥構造物,而是探索的樂園。 本研究透過教師理念及背景之整合,運用小組互動與專家指導之方法來建立創意教學空間共識,思考校園創意空間如何配合教學特性,使教師重新思考界定教學空間之安排,進而改造建築物使其再生並活化教學機能,讓教學生活化、生動化且寓教學於生活,結合創意空間與教學需求,塑造「隨處是教室,隨時可教學」之創意校園。


Teaching in the elementary not only happens at the classroom but also stresses more on multi-and-practical-learning at any place, for its impact not only on teaching and learning aspect but a key point on curriculum fulfillment as well. The main idea of this research is to explore how to take advantage of creative designing the original spaces and landscapes of the primary schools, and getting more involvement on every teaching application in order to induce pupils' interesting of learning. The schoolyards are no more jungle of concrete structures but fun lands to be explored. This research is integrated with the teaching commitment and ideas plus the groups' interaction and guided under the experts to build up a sense of the creative teaching space. To consider how the spaces match with the teaching, which makes the teachers to rethink and redefine the teaching spaces and to improve the decorations of building with a dynamic function. Teaching as living and as dynamic, combines the creative spaces to shape a classroom-everywhere-and-teaching anytime” primary school. Teaching in the elementary not only happens at the classroom but also stresses more on multi-and-practical-learning at any place, for its impact not only on teaching and learning aspect but a key point on curriculum fulfillment as well. The main idea of this research is to explore how to take advantage of creative designing the original spaces and landscapes of the primary schools, and getting more involvement on every teaching application in order to induce pupils' interesting of learning. The schoolyards are no more jungle of concrete structures but fun lands to be explored. This research is integrated with the teaching commitment and ideas plus the groups' interaction and guided under the experts to build up a sense of the creative teaching space. To consider how the spaces match with the teaching, which makes the teachers to rethink and redefine the teaching spaces and to improve the decorations of building with a dynamic function. Teaching as living and as dynamic, combines the creative spaces to shape a classroom-everywhere-and-teaching anytime” primary school.
