  • 期刊


Nursing Care through Empowerment for an Oral Cancer Patient with Malignant Fungating Wounds




People who are diagnosed with oral cancer inevitably undergo life threatening situations with numerous lifestyle changes and challenges. Needless to say, the consequences of oral cancer are the predominating causes of caregiver's and patient's frustrations. This article illustrates the experience of nursing an oral cancer patient with a malignant tumor wound. Through Gordon's eleven functional health steps, in the period of April 11, 2017 to May 19, 2017, three major nursing issues were revealed; 1) impaired skin integrity, 2) wound pain, and 3) ineffective coping and adaption. The five steps of empowerment theory were introduced to assess the patient's ability of coping in association with the section of available clinical resources. Collaborating and engaging with a multidisciplinary team, as well as encouraging the patient and his family to learn associated nursing techniques were imperative to facilitate the patient's and his family's self-awareness, problem solving skills and partnership of the patient and nurses. In this case study, the patient was discharged home with established skills and abilities to care for himself at home. Overall, the complexity of caring for cancer patients with malignant fungating wounds calls for guidance from a holistic interdisciplinary team. Patients who need long term home nursing care should receive early guided education at an early stage so as to promote confidence and competence in the patient and family to co-exist with and manage the illness.


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