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Relations between Kuomintang and Communist Party in County Society: Taking Feng County of Jiangsu Province during the anti-Japanese War as A Case Study




豐縣 黃體潤 抗戰 國共關係 統一戰線


For a long time, researches on the relations between Kuomintang (KMT) and Communist Party of China (CPC) during the anti-Japanese war have not been conducted from the microscopic perspective. Taking Feng county in Jiangsu province as a case and by exploring the diary of Huang Tirun, this study intends to fully illustrate the up-and-down relations between the two parties in county society. After the fall of Feng county to the Japanese, KMT and CPC fought together against the Japanese troops temporarily. However, apart from the personal ties, the two parties had no mutual trust. Affected by various factors, their relations finally broke down. Huang Tirun's contribution to the anti-Japanese war deserves more attentions. The relations between KMT and CPC in Feng county during that period was affected not only by the historical circumstances, but also the characteristics of Feng county itself, that were formed by various factors such as area boundary, structure split, and political favoritism. Through exploring the story of Feng county, the fundamental differences of party nature, structure, and way of conduct between KMT and CPC Party can be distinguished, and, more importantly, local interest and politics, human relationship can also be reflected in depth.


北支那方面軍司令部、「北部江蘇省兵要地誌概況(兵要地誌資料)地資第 8 號」(昭和十四年二月十五日)、(防衛省防衛研究所)、JACAR(アジア歴史資料センター),Ref.C11111670900。
〈李仙洲電蔣中正(1943 年 7 月 19 日)〉,《蔣中正總統文物‧特交文電》,臺北:國史館藏,002-090200-00082-281。
〈第六屆江蘇省政府委員會會議記錄(第 922 次會議)(1937 年 8 月 10 日)〉,南京:江蘇省檔案館藏,1001-甲-301。
