  • 期刊


New Competitiveness for Business Sustainability: Establishment of a New Model of Integrating International Environmental, Health and Safety Management Systems


自從1972年人類環境會議召開,至2002年第二屆地球高峰會議舉行之三十年間,國際間爲了解決全球共通性或區域性的環境問題,制定了超過250種的國際環保公約,其中不乏具有貿易報複手段垢公約。有監於此,未來企業在國際貿易中,隊必須配合ISO 9001品質管理系統之要求外,對於1996年公布之ISO 14001環境管理系統,以及1999年公布之OHSAS 18001職安衛管理系統的建制與認證的取得,勢將成爲二十一世紀業界爭取國際市場與永續發展的新競爭呼。然而,對於許多的企業而言,接踵而來的國際認證標准,勢力對企業內部增加管理上的困擾,因此若能加以整全,建立適合的架構模式,不但可以簡化作業流程、節省人力資源,同時,對於企業效率與企業形象都能獲得顯著的績效。因此,本研究希望透過IDEFO這系統整合與文獻探討的方式,來分析環境、職安衛管理認證系統這整合模式,同時實踐ISO 14001、OHSAS 18001系列標准之要求與規範,形成一個多功能的管理系統,發揮最大的管理效率,藉此達成企業永續發展之最終目標。 透過文獻探討可知ISO 14001環境管理系統與OHSAS 18001職安衛管理系統皆根據載明管理循環PDCA(規劃Plan、執行Do、查核Check、改善行動Act)所架構,幫EMS與OHSAS標准系統於條文及精神上具有相當高之同質性及一致性,因此,本研究以其PDCA循環及持續改善的理論模式,配合IDEFO整全的手法,相互搭配整合,成功建構了OHSAS 18001與ISO 14001的整合系統,並根據條文內容決定各種資料組成(控制、輸入、機制、輸出)之相關依據,將環境與職安衛整合系統模式展開成四大部分:規劃系統整合模式、查核系統整合模式、持續改善系統整合模式。


環境 工安衛 IDEFO ISO 14001 OHSAS 18001


Since the first UN Conference for the Human Environment was held in 1972, international community has formulated and implemented more than 250 environmental conventions and treaties for protecting the Earth. Among them, many are related to trade sanctions. To name a few, Montreal Protocol of 1987 for eliminating ozone depletion substances (ODS, such as CFCs) to protect ozone layer, and Kyoto Protocol of 1997 for curtailing green house gases (GHGs, such as C02) to save the Earth from global climatic change. After realizing the indispensable responsibility of the business, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has issued ISO 14000 series- the Environmental Management Systems (EMS) in 1996. Although the establishment of the EMS in the business is voluntary, a tremendous trend has been formed which considers ISO14001 certified companies are good because they are environmental friendly enterprises. In the light of the facts mentioned above, businesses are eager to establish and get certification for the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 systems in addition to the ISO 9000 series. However, to maintain these systems in a company usually needs a lot of manpower and management efforts. In order to streamline the process and minimize the cost and human resources, an integrated model, which combines ISO 14001 with OHSAS 18001 systems, has been developed. It is developed by a structured IDEFO language and is consisted of four components based upon Deming’s PDCA management structure. This model not just can keep the original Plan-Do-Check-Act management cycle, but also can increase the management efficiency for the company.




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蕭仿均(2008)。OHSAS18001 對台灣產業現行環安衛制度之影 響〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200900587
王俊儼(2014)。IECQ QC 080000有害物質管理系統之導入-以A公司為例〔碩士論文,國立中央大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-0412201511593915
