  • 期刊


The Analyzed Research of the Attack Styles of the Attack Counts, Score Counts and Successful Rate of Female Golden Medalists of Fin Weight Division and Point-Developed Players in World Taekwondo Champ




The purpose of this study was to discuss the analysis and comparison of attack styles before competition to female golden medalists of fin weight division, bunch-developed player (A) and point-developed player (B) in 2003 World Taekwondo Championship. It provided as a reference to the coaches and players the attack styles of female golden medalists of fin weight. This study used the video observational system to record attack techniques. Mean and frequency percentage analysis described the attack counts, score counts and successful rate by the attack of active and passive, left foot and right foot, front foot and rear foot. The results were that the attack count of the A player was 36.88, and it's higher than the B player whose attack count was 28.75. The A player's score was 3.50 which was lower than the B player's 28.75. And the successful rate of A player was 9.49% which was lower than the B player's 15.65%. As for the attack count and effect of each race of active and passive, left foot and right foot, front foot and rear foot, the A player got the highest attack count of 11.50 (31.19%) by active left rear foot attack, and the lowest one was 1.25 (3.39%) by passive right front foot attack. For the score effect, the highest score was 0.88 (25.00%) by the active right rear foot attack, and the lowest one was 0 by active right front foot attack. For the score successful rate, the highest was 30.00% by passive right foot attack, and the lowest was 0 by active right front foot attack. The B player got the highest attack count of 6.50 (22.61%) by active right front foot attack, and the lowest was 0.75 (2.61) by passive left front foot attack. For the score effect, the highest was 1.25 (27.78%) by active right front foot attack, and the lowest was 0 by active left front foot attack and passive left front foot attack. The conclusion was that both A and B players got higher active attack than the passive one for the attack count and score successful rate, in other words, they belonged to the active attack players. For the common attack style, the A player focused on active left rear foot attack and the score action style was mainly active right rear foot attack. While the B player focused on active right front foot attack, and the score attack style was mostly by active right front foot attack. For the comparison of score successful rate, the B player's 15.65% was obviously higher than the A player's 9.49%. In order to raise the ability of international competition, the two players needed to practice passive back-attack ability more. In this way, it could correspond to the new rules of competition trend of World Taekwondo Championship.


The World Taekwondo Federation(2002).(The World Taekwondo Federation Competition Rules).


