  • 期刊


Footwork on Field Goal Percentage - Analysis on UBA 2019 Men's Division I games




Previous studies show that footwork is the basic of all basketball action. Footwork could be often used on the defense, dribbling change direction, V Cut , low post, etc. Frequently use footwork before shooting on the game can be very aggressive. This study is based on the highest level in the student college basketball top eight teams, using notational analysis method, analysis footwork usage before shooting, shooting by the dribble, mid-range shots, three-point shots and the outcome of the team, the results show when using stride stop, jump stop and step back, three-point shots are more than mid-range shots. They would tend to use stride stop more than jump stop, the least is step back. Stride stop and jump stop field goal are higher than step back, jump stop shot is the highest. Step back shooting percentage was higher while participants was dribbling than catch the ball from teammates. The winner's stride stop shooting percentage and used stride stop of the number is higher than the loser. Training teaching point should be recommended to teach stride stop three-point shots first, critical moment of the game of UBA could be considered the highest percentage of jump stop shots.


Basketball Footwork Shooting Notational analysis UBA


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