  • 期刊


The impact of success at the elite level on participation in sport for all from the perspective of the trickle-down effect




Increasing the spending in elite sports is believed to be attributed to achieving elite success at international sports competitions. Hence, elite sports have always been outweighing others of sports policies, and it is expected to acts as a locomotive to drive the development of other sports industries. That successful elite sports performance is beneficial to raising the rates of participation in sport for all which is known as trickledown effect. This research reviews relevant literature and finds that limits of evidence supports that succussing in elite sporting activities is able to increase physical activity and improve participation in sport for all. The trickle-down effect has been utilized to investigate the relationship between elite sporting success and participation in sport for all. Previous studies indicate that despite that successful sports performance is able to improve participation in sport for all, the stimulation remains short-term rather than a long-term and lasting effect. Moreover, some of the literature also argues that though some specific sports have won medals at major sporting events, it may not effectively improve participation in sport for all. In conclusion, the concept of trickle-down effects has only recently entered the sports management discourse. This literature review is hoped to facilitate the development of future research.


教育部體育署 (2013)。體育政策白皮書。臺北市:教育部體育署。
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