  • 期刊

博物館運用“體驗行銷”(Experiential Marketing)策略之研究-以國立科學工藝博物館之“塑膠與橡膠”廳為例

The Strategies of Experiential Marketing Applied in the National Science and Technology Museum-Take the "Plastics and Rubber" Gallery as an Example


位居國立科學工藝博物館六樓的「塑膠與橡膠」廳自開館以來,民衆的參觀率就一直不理想,爲吸引入館民衆前來參觀,本廳嘗試突顯與生活相關主題-「寶特瓶」,設計好玩又具科學性的闖關遊戲-「阿寶的故事」,並運用「體驗行銷」的方式,設計「猜猜阿寶是誰]的體驗媒介ExPros (Experience Providers),希望能讓民衆藉由邊玩、邊學、邊參觀的方式,提升參觀興趣與人次。為檢驗本體驗媒介是否達到預期的效果,本研究採問卷方式並將結果予以統計分析,發現本項體驗媒介確能吸引親子觀衆(尤其當中有小學生者)群,也確實提昇該廳的參觀人數(估計參觀人次約3,500人)。雖然本次運用體驗行銷的手法堪稱成功,但畢竟每個博物館均有其差異性及獨特性,因此建議各博物館可依自己的特性,及針對不同的目標族群做調查,在了解他們的喜好特性後,設計出適合的體驗媒介,而體驗媒介也可以是多樣的而非一定跼限於一項。 體驗行銷的確能讓觀衆經歷到有別於以往的、特殊的、驚奇的博物館參觀經驗,而博物館應嘗試多引進甚至創新各樣不同的行銷技巧,規劃出生動有趣的各項體驗媒介(或活動),讓民衆能有不同的感受,甚至期待前往參觀,讓原本未居地利之便的展示廳也能運用技巧,化空間的阻力為助力,主動出擊,進而吸引民衆前往,以提昇參觀率。


博物館 體驗行銷 體驗媒介


Since the opening of National Science and Technology Museum, the visiting rate of ”Plastics and Rubber” Gallery, which located on the 6th floor is not satisfying. In order to improve this situation, the daily life related topic ”PET” within the gallery was selected and relevant games and a special experience provider ”Guess who is PET?” were designed to raise the visiting rate of this gallery. This special designed experience provider tried not only to attract the interests of the visitors, but also to improve the visiting rate, In order to exam whether it is efficient or not this research used questionnaire to test visitors' responses and also their answered results have been analyzed. The result revealed that this experience provider can attract family visitors' attention, especially for those who have companied members studying in the elementary schools. Besides, the visiting rate has been raised. There were 3,500 visitors came to visit this gallery which it had never happened before. Although this experiential provider could be considered as a success in this museum, but it cannot be applied in other museums since there were still some differentiation and uniqueness among them, However, the museums should try to investigate their target visitors first and find out their favor and specialties and based on the investigated results, the museum can design several suitable experience providers, not only restrict to certain one to promote their museum exhibits. The techniques of experiential marketing, such as designing different experience providers, can really help the visitors have different, special and surprising museum visiting experiences. The museum should try to use and create different marketing techniques to plan interesting experience providers or activities for their visitors. Thereby, it can not only let the visitors have different and interesting experiences in the museum, but also make them look forward to visit the museum again Besides, it makes the museum exhibition galleries which are in unfavorable location can also raise up their visiting rate.


