  • 期刊


The Planning of "Sound Story Hall" Exhibition: Challenges and Solutions




展示 廣播 聲音的故事


With Hsientang Building of National Education Radio (NER) as the venue for public showing, Sound Story Hall is an exhibition of the NER consigned to National Science and Technology Museum (NSTM) for design and planning, aiming at creating an exhibition to display broadcast experience and education. The following challenges have been encountered in the curating process: How to select the theme of this exhibition? What is the development history of NER? Due to the lack of relevant information about audience's interactions and affection for NER, solutions generated from comprehensive information would be obtained through in-depth interviews with veteran employees of NER to enrich the whole exhibition. The purpose of this paper is to describe the process of solving the above-mentioned challenges through in-depth interviews conducted by the NSTM team while contents of Sound Story Hall exhibition and the course of planning are also summarized. Veteran employees participated in interviews not only were parts of NER history but had revealed through interviews subtle reminiscence that official documents failed to capture, making objectives of Sound Story Hall exhibition clearer and more definite: to discover the power of sound, to highlight atmosphere of human culture, and as a reminder of the importance of listening. These three objectives are in line with NER’s mission and appeal: providing audience with opportunities to appreciate the manipulation of sound elements in broadcasts, realizing the weight of broadcasting in human civilization, and reminding people to explore the world of sense of hearing besides the sense of vision.


exhibition broadcast sound story


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