  • 期刊


Touch of Challenge in Contemporary Collection: 921 Earthquake Objects as An Interface


當代蒐藏為臺史博重視一環,國立臺灣歷史博物館(以下簡稱臺史博)透過搶救九二一震災文物進而討論博物館之災難搶救議題。1999年9月21日發生撼動全臺之嚴重地震,中部災區六處重要建築物傾毀倒塌,分別為張宅、莊宅、敦本堂、善教堂、劉氏宗祠、林大有宅,因當時未有文化資產保存之專責單位,故有博物館搶救災文物的行動。其中,臺史博搶救張宅、國立歷史博物館(以下簡稱史博館)搶救餘五處災區文物,並於2002年移交由臺史博保存。臺史博當年搶救張宅即規劃原地或異地重建,時過境遷,此作法已不可行。以公共價值的角度思考,當代博物館除了保存全人類文化資產外,更講求回應社會需求,將公眾的文化資源發揚光大,並與社會產生共生性互賴(symbiotic interdependence)關係,在兩者之間相互回饋分享下,達成資源循環的有機情境。本文將從臺史博面對九二一震災文物的案例,探討博物館對於當代蒐藏的應對機制,並以多方合作與當代文資發展新興觀念,透過博物館與社會串連的介面,觸發對當代永續發展挑戰的回應。


The contemporary collection is one of the key projects of the National Museum of Taiwan History (NMTH). NMTH discusses Museum disaster issues by Rescuing the objects of the 921 Earthquake Disaster. The earthquake occurred on September 21, 1999. There were six important and historic mansions in the middle of Taiwan, including Zhang's house, Zhuang's Mansion, Tun-Ben Mansion, Shan-chiao Temple, Liu's Ancestral hall and Lin's Mansion being attacked. There were no Governmental agencies for protecting cultural Assets at that time, bringing impact rescuing disaster-objects action. Among these mansions, NMTH rescued Zhang's house; the National Museum of History rescued the other five places. All of them were transferred to NMTH for protection. In addition to preserving all assets, contemporary museums can express the needs of society, promote public resource sharing, and generate symbiotic social interdependence. The cooperation between contemporary museums and the social public makes resource recycling an organic situation. This paper will explore the response mechanism of museums to recent acquisitions through the case of the Taiwan Museum of History's response to the September 21 earthquake. It will also use the emerging concepts of multi-party cooperation and contemporary cultural resource development to trigger responses to current challenges of sustainable development through the interface between museums and the society.


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