  • 期刊


The Methods of Chan Enlightenment and Its Principles from the Shurangama Sutra


禪悟方法及禪公案常令人迷惑、不明究理,而《楞嚴經》中對禪悟方法的原理有著豐富的、深刻的指示,有助於我們理解令人迷惑的禪悟方法。因此,本文即依據此經探討一些禪悟方法及其原理,內容包含:1.形上、實踐、功能、指授等方面的禪悟方法的原理。2.從「三因佛性」與實存角度論禪悟歷程。3.從禪悟原理論禪悟派別,並與宗密的「禪教一致」、「禪之三宗」之說比較。 《楞嚴經》在中國佛教界是極受推崇的一部經典,也特被譽為「開慧的楞嚴」,禪門人物也多有取此經典作為修行、知見的標準,本文將《楞嚴經》的開啟智慧之教與禪宗的開悟之道結合探討,一方面有助於理解禪宗的開悟之道,另一方面也有助於理解《楞嚴經》與禪宗在理論與方法上的密切關聯。


楞嚴經 禪悟 佛性 宗密


The methods of Chan enlightenment and the Chan Kung-an are usually enigmatic, but the Shurangama sutra has plenty and profound indications in the principles of the methods of Chan enlightenment, it can help us to understand the enigmatic methods of Chan enlightenment. Therefore, this article discusses some of the methods of Chan enlightenment and its principles according to the Shurangama sutra. The contents include: 1 ) the principles of the methods of Chan enlightenment about metaphysics, practice, function and teaching; 2 ) the processes of Chan enlightenment through ”three-cause Buddha nature” and from the existential view; 3 ) the Chan schools from the principles of Chan enlightenment, and comparing the schools with ”the harmony of Chan and Jiao ( teaching traditions )” and ”three schools of Chan Buddhism” of Tsung-mi. The Shurangama sutra is extremely praised in Chinese Buddhism. This sutra is specially admired for opening our wisdom. And in Chan Buddhism many persons take this sutra as the standard of practice and view. This article combines discussions of the Shurangama sutra's teaching of opening wisdom, and Chan Buddhism's way of enlightenment. Such can helps us to understand the way of enlightenment of Chan Buddhism. On the other hand, it can also help us to understand the intimate connection of the Shurangama sutra and Chan Buddhism in theory and in method.


