  • 期刊


Local Literature as an Opportunity


無論在哪一個國家,鄉土文學都包含著微妙的差異和同一的概念,卻又在不同的時代與空間,基於不同的概念,發揮不同的功能。本文擬以文革結束之後的中國文壇,1930年代魯迅和台灣文學這三個場合為例,探討鄉土文學作為契機的功能機制。比如1980年代中國作家劉紹棠提出來的鄉土文學毋寧說是一個文學概念,可說是一種國家民族主義和政治意識形態的表現。而魯迅在《〈中國新文學大系〉小說二集序》(1935)中,一面參照丹麥文藝批評家勃蘭兌斯Georg M.C. Brandes的見解,一面用之指稱地方出身的部分青年作家的作品為鄉土文學。魯迅關心的其實是遠離農村共同體或地方共同體,被賦予故鄉喪失者命運的現代知識分子國內emigrant狀態及喪失感。台灣文學方面,鄉土文學這個術語,不單單是文學,而且政治、經濟、歷史、社會、文化等形形色色的要素均與之複雜地牽扯糾纏。在台灣文學史上曾經發生過三次(1930年,1947-49年,1977年)鄉土文學論爭。雖每次論戰的語境和文脈都不相同,但有一個共同點便是要奪回寫作的主體性。本文通過以上的參照例,闡明鄉土文學並不是本質主義式的固定概念,毋寧應當將它看作一種契機,借之以想像民眾的實像,同時將文學放在社會、歷史、政治語境之中進行解釋的嘗試。


In every country, local literature contains a subtle difference and a similar concept, but shows different functions with different concepts at different times and spaces. This paper is to verify the function system of the local literature, explaining three examples: the literature after the Cultural Revolution in China, Lu Xun's reference of 1930s and the literary debates in Taiwan. For instance the one Chinese writer Liu Shaotang proposed in 1980s is a performance of nationalism and political ideology rather than a literary concept. In his ”A Preface to Collection of Chinese New Literature Vol 2” (1935), Lu Xun referred to the Danish literary critic George MC Brandes's view, while alleging to fictions written by some young writers who came from local regions as local literature. What Lu Xun actually concerned about was the domestic emigrant status and the feeling of lost that modern young intellectuals felt when they were far from the rural or local community. In Taiwanese literature, the term of local literature, should not only be conceived as a literary genre. It was intricately involved in a tangle with all kinds of elements such as politics, economy, history, society, culture and so forth. In the history of Taiwanese literature there were three literary debates concerning local literature (1930, 1947-49, 1977). Although the context and the cultural vein of the debates are not the same, but there is a common denominator, that is, to recover the subjectivity of writing. This paper, through the examples mentioned above, clarifies that local literature is not a stereotype concept of essentialism, but rather an opportunity with which they could imagine a real image of the people, and an attempt to interpret literature in social, historical and political contexts.


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王魯彥,《憤怒的鄉村》,上海,中興出版社,1948 年


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