  • 期刊


Strategy of the Biotechnology Industry Development


新興生物技術的演進至今已將近三十年的歷程,現今已蔚為各國科技發展的主流。究其原因乃基於其產品對人類具有深遠的影響:包括創造出藥品、醫療保健、農業、食品、特用化學品以及環保等領域中難以估計的經濟價值,更遑論其生產製造所衍生的龐大商機。因此,各國無不傾全力發展之。 我國生技產業的發展與歐美先進國家相較,雖起步較晚,但基於生技產業深具發展潛力,為我國重點推動發展的高附加價值、知識導向型產業,故近年來急起直追,在生技產業的推動上,已有其特色與成效。目前已有165家生技公司,從業人員6,610人,且多為高學歷團隊,著重技術研發。 本文主要介紹生物技術定義、產業範疇、世界生技產業發展現況與趨勢、我國生物技術發展歷程及生技產業現況,並探討我國生技產業發展的策略,以供規劃政策的參考。


Over the past 30 years, new biotechnology as a science passed through many stages of evolutions and development. Biotechnology has since become a major developmental focus for many countries, and the reason for its rise to prominence lies in its potential for the impact on the lives of every one of us. Biotechnology encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including medicine, healthcare, agriculture, food, special chemical and the environment. Products born out of the melding of these industries have immeasurable economic values, not to mention the added downstream business opportunities brought on by their production. Along with many industrial and environmental biotech advances, it is easy to see why biotechnology is developing at a fast pace in many countries. Taiwan began its biotechnology development later than the biotech hotbeds of Europe and the United States, and as such it has been hard for Taiwan to compete with them head-on. Biotechnology is a highly value-added and knowledge-oriented industry, and has great potential. It is for these reasons that the government of Taiwan has targeted biotechnology as a key industry for development and promotion. Taiwan currently hosts 165 biotech companies, with around 6,610 employees in the industry. These companies boast highly-educated staffs, and are well-armed to innovate and take the industry forward. This paper is divided into three sections. The first section focuses on the global biotech industry as well as a global development overview. The second section covers Taiwan's biotech industry development policy including the meaning of biotechnology, and the specialties and scopes of the biotech industry, and the current status of biotech and related industries in Taiwan. The third section explores the strategy of biotech industry development and the future of the industry in Taiwan.


吳娟娟(2002)。財務績效指標之重要性分析研究 —以台灣化學工業上市公司為例—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200200373
