  • 期刊


Anorectal Malignant Melanoma- Case Report


肛腸惡性黑色素瘤(Anorectal melanoma, ARMM)為罕見與高度惡性的腫瘤,傾向局部侵犯周邊組織與早期轉移,容易被誤診為痔瘡或大腸息肉,而且預後不佳。目前的治療方式尚有爭議,腹部會陰部切除術(Abdominoperineal resection, APR)與局部切除的存活率沒有明顯差異,化學治療、免疫治療與放射線治療法適用於晚期的患者。我們報告一位46歲女性患者初期表現為排便習慣改變、合併血便。診斷為肛腸非色素性黑色素瘤(Amelanotic melanoma)合併肺轉移,患者先後接受會陰部切除術(APR),化學與免疫合併治療(Chemoimmunotherapy)與放射線治療,患者於診斷後三年八個月後因呼吸衰竭過世。


Anorectal melanoma is a rare and aggressive neoplasm that tends to invade locally and metastasize early in the course of the disease. It is often misdiagnosed as hemorrhoids or as one of the other benign anorectal conditions and is thus linked to an overall poor prognosis. Optimal treatment is still controversial, and current evidence does not show any preferential survival benefit from abdominoperineal resection over wide local excision. Chemotherapy, immunotherapy or radiotherapy may be used for advanced disease. We report a 46-year-old female with presenting with change of defecation habit and blood in stools. She was eventually found to have a mass, amelanotic melanoma, arising from the anorectal junction with lung metastases. The patient underwent transrectal polypectomy, chemoimmunotherapy and radiotherapy. Unfortunately, the patient died from respiratory failure 3 years 8 months after diagnosis.


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