



Anal malignant melanoma is notorious for its poor outcomes, accounting for approximately 1% of all anorectal malignancies. In the entire alimentary tract, the disease most frequently originates in the anal canal. Further, as a percentage of all melanomas, 0.4% to 1.6% arise in the anorectal region. Consequently, it is no surprise that, other than the skin and the retina, the anal canal is the most common site of melanoma. Here we presented a case with intact clinical manifestations and comprehensive treatment. Because anal malignant melanoma cases are quite rare, few case series have been reported in the literature, which further compounds the difficulties inherent in treatment of this disease. Additionally, the decision to surgically intervene in cases of malignant melanoma remains controversial, in part because complete remission is hard to achieve with any surgical method. Thus, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and target therapy should first be considered in the treatment of anorectal melanoma to help improve overall survival rate.


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