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  • OpenAccess


Health Tourism Resources Platform Constructed for Physical Disabilities


臺灣目前有112 萬身心障礙者,約占總人口數4.8%,其中又以肢體障礙者居多,加上社會人口結構老化,提供無障礙的友善環境顯得迫切,因此本研究以探討肢體障礙者之旅遊阻礙及旅遊需求為目的,同時藉以建置無障礙環境需求者的旅遊健康資源平台。透過文獻回顧設計結構式問卷收集資料,針對年滿16 歲的肢體障礙者進行立意抽樣、滾雪球抽樣,有效回收問卷共187份。分析方法採用描述性統計,利用平均數、標準差排序,並運用四象限分析旅遊需求與旅遊阻礙程度。研究結果顯示,阻礙部分以擔心旅遊地點沒有無障礙電梯最高,以及擔心搭乘的交通工具沒有符合無障礙環境的需求設備、旅遊地點沒有提供符合標準的無障礙坡道與擔心旅遊出入口不平順次之。在旅遊需求上,需要旅遊地點設有無障礙電梯的需求最高,其次為提供旅遊目的地的透明公開資訊。值得注意的是無論是旅遊需求或旅遊阻礙皆以無障礙電梯為最高,顯見目前旅遊環境在該方面的缺乏。最後,根據四象限分析發現高旅遊需求與高旅遊阻礙項目有「無障礙廁所」、「無障礙廁所符合標準能夠使用」、「交通工具」、「無障礙坡道」、「出入口平順」、「無障礙電梯」、「動線寬敞」、「用餐環境座位」、「無障礙客房」、「服務人員友善態度」、「透明公開資訊」、「旅遊地點照片」合計12 項。研究依據分析結果建置初步的旅遊健康資源平台,並彙整旅遊中的食住行遊購娛服務,提供旅遊地點基本資訊,運用GPS 定位顯示旅遊地點距離,輔助使用者回饋分數、特殊需求項目,讓使用者透過本平台作為外出旅遊時資源立即性的參考,讓更多人重視無障礙旅遊,打造出更完整的友善旅遊環境。


Currently, there are 1.12 million people with (4.8% percent of the total population)disability in Taiwan. Most of them are physical disabled. The situation is getting worse with the unprecedented and pervasive population aging problem. Therefore, providing an accessible and friendly environment for people with disabilities is a significant and urgent issue in Taiwan. The purpose of the study is to investigate travel constraints and tourism demands of people with physical disabilities. The respondents are those with physical disabilities and who are aged above 16. One hundred and eighty seven respondents were interviewed by the snow-ball sampling method. Statistical analyses including descriptive statistic and four-quadrant method were used to understand the respondents' travel constraints and tourism demands. According to the results, what people with physical disabilities worried the most is there are no accessibility equipment in the tourist destination. To provide a convenient environment for people with physical disabilities, the most important demand for them is accessible elevators. Other demands include accessible transport options, accessible ramps, accessible entrances/exits, and easier ways to get travel information. Based on the research findings, we build an internet platform that provides health tourism resources. Important keywords were selected by the priority for travel constraints and tourism demands which include "accessible toilets," "accessible transportation services," "accessible ramps," "accessible entrances/exits," "accessible elevators," "spacious sidewalks/paths," "accessible dining areas," and "accessible hotel rooms." The platform is built on a Linux operating system which includes the Apache web server, the PHP programming language and the MySQL database. It is also designed for mobile device users. Moreover, the platform provides information of several travel services such as food service, housing service, traffic service and amusement service. Not only does it provide basic data, but it is also combined with the Global Positioning System (GPS). Thus, it provides GIS Mapping for users. The platform provides real-time services for user needs. It attracts more and more people's attention to accessible tourism. Furthermore, this platform creates a better and friendly service environment. It provides people with disabilities accessibility requirements so that they are able to function independently with equity and dignity through the delivery of universally designed tourism services and environment.
