  • 期刊

Management of Pilonidal Sinus in the Chinese Patients with Excision and Primary Closure



目的 藏毛竇是因髮幹侵入並滯留於臀間皺壁之毛囊中所引發之後天性疾病。藏毛竇較常見於白種人而少見於亞洲人,這可能與身體毛髮生長特性有關。目前有關於國人藏毛竇治療方法之文獻仍付之闕如,因此我們提出以切除後直接縫合來治療國人藏毛竇之經驗回顧。 材料與方法 於1993年7月至2003年7月問,有14個病人因藏毛竇於本院接受治療,其中12名爲本國人,接受切除後傷口直接縫合;對於另2名外國人則不縫合其傷口,令其次級癒合。病患出院後每週於門診追蹤,若傷口復原良好則於術後第14天拆線。 結果 12名本國人病患中有10名於術後14天痊癒,其餘2名則因輕微傷口感染而於第31天痊癒。在整個追蹤期間(6-12個月)並無復發情形出現。另2名外國人病患則於第42天痊癒,其中一人於一年後復發並需要進一步手術治療。 結論 我們的經驗顯示切除後直接縫合對發生於國人之藏毛竇爲一簡單而有效之治療方式,短期效果令人滿意。


藏毛竇 華人 切除 直接縫合


Purpose. Pilonidal sinus is an acquired lesion caused by intrusion and entrapment of hair shafts in the hair follicles over the natal cleft. The disease is more prevalent among Caucasians and seen less in Asians, which could probably be explained by the characteristics of body hair growth. The recommended management in Chinese patients is lacking in the literatures; therefore, we reviewed our experience in treating Chinese patients with excision and primary closure of the wounds. Materials and Methods. From July 1993 to July 2003, fourteen patients with pilonidal sinus were treated at our institution. Twelve of them were Chinese, who underwent excision of the sinuses and tracts followed by primary closure of the wounds. Wounds of two non-Chinese patients were left open to heal by secondary intention. All patients were followed on weekly basis after discharge. Sutures were removed at 14 days if the wound healed. Results. In the Chinese patients, ten healed at 14 days. The remaining two healed after 31 days due to minor wound infection. During the follow-up period (range 6-12 months), none developed recurrence. Of the two non-Chinese patients, the wounds healed by 42 days; one of them developed recurrence at one year, which required further surgery. Conclusion. Our experience demonstrated that excision and primary closure can be a simple and effective management for Chinese patients with pilonidal sinus. The short-term result is satisfactory.


Pilonidal sinus Chinese Excision Primary closure
