  • 期刊


The Challenges of US Military Primacy in East Asia: A Contest between China's Anti-access Strategy and US Counter Anti-access Strategy


本文試圖探討中國「反介入」戰略與美國「反反介入」戰略的角力,並且認為中國提出的「反介入」戰略已對美國在東亞地區的軍事優勢地位構成一定程度的挑戰。 中國的「反介入」戰略主要用來阻絕美軍在台海地區進行必要的軍事部署與運作。中國軍方提出「反介入」戰略,反映出中國試圖運用「不對稱戰爭」的手法,挑戰美國在東亞的軍事支配地位。美國為了確保其軍事優勢,已經開始跟區域盟友發展更緊密的防務合作關係,並且加強美軍在東亞地區的前進部署武力,藉以反制中國的「反介入」戰略。 從結構面來看,中國「反介入」戰略與美國「反反介入」戰略的角力,顯示美、中之間的安全關係已隱然出現所謂的「安全困境」。中國方面認為,美國在東亞地區的霸權與軍事優勢地位可能限縮中國未來處理「台灣問題」的行動自由度。另一方面,美國則認為中國在國力崛起後,不斷增加軍事投資,已經對區域現狀產生衝擊,因此必須進一步加強與美國區域盟友的合作,防範中國的軍事發展威脅區域穩定。 中國「反介入」與美國「反反介入」的角力,牽涉的不只是美、中之間的「軍事能力」競爭,還包括雙方「政治決心」的對決。但是假如美、中雙方在展現決心的同時,未能維持戰略對話或是建立管理危機機制,則在展現決心的過程中,可能反倒升高兩國在結構面的「安全困境」。 對美國而言,如何因應軍力不斷崛起的中國,已成為美國要確保東亞軍事優勢地位面臨的最大挑戰。


This study intends to explore the contest between China's anti-access strategy and US counter anti-access strategy. It argues that China's anti-access strategy has posed challenges to US military primacy in East Asia. China's anti-access strategy is designed to impede the deployment of US forces and disrupt the US military's ability to operate within the theater of the Taiwan Strait. The development of anti-access strategy shows China's efforts to challenge US military predominance in East Asia through the concepts of asymmetric warfare. To ensure US military primacy in East Asia, Washington has sought to counter China's anti-access strategy by means of building closer defense ties with regional allies and enhancing forward-deployed forces in East Asia. Viewed from the perspective of power structure, the contest between China's anti-access strategy and US counter anti-access strategy reflects the rising of ”security dilemma” between the two military giants. As China worries that US military primacy in East Asia could restrict China's freedom of actions to resolve the ”Taiwan problem”, the United States concerns that China may challenge regional status quo with its rising military strength. The contest between China's anti-access strategy and US counter anti-access strategy involves these two countries' competitions in the arenas of military power and political determination. However, when China and the United States try to show their determination to achieve their own strategy, the security dilemma between them could ascend if they fail to maintain strategic dialogue or build crisis management mechanism. To United States, how to deal with a militarily powerful China has become a major security challenge in East Asia.


馬煥棟(2014)。中共「反介入戰略」(Anti-Access strategies)中柴電潛艦的能力虛實〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00634
