  • 學位論文


A Study of China’s National Security Strategy under US-China Interaction(2002-2012)

指導教授 : 翁明賢


中美關係錯綜複雜,很難用傳統國際關係理論加以解釋,由於傳統的國際關係理論均無法有效解釋或預測中美兩國未來走向,例如新現實主義視國家間的權力結構關係為最重要分析變項,新自由制度主義分析不同的利益為制度性基礎。因此,建構主義身份決定利益與國際無政府文化的運用,可以修正及調整此一方面的理論不足之處。 本論文依據國際社會行為體互動架構圖,考量國際安全環境、國家利益與安全戰略等的影響因素,建構中國國家安全戰略分析架構圖,並採用國際行為體的機制與過程共構圖及建構主義國家安全文化研究的途徑圖的邏輯概念,藉由亞歷山大•溫特(Alexander Wendt)的身份建構主義及彼得•卡贊斯坦(Peter J. katzenstein)的安全文化理論途徑,分析國際無政府文化的內涵、國家身份與國家利益的關聯性,及其影響國家國家安全戰略與政策的產出過程,進而構建一個國家安全戰略的分析架構。 本論文希望藉由建構主義理論分析,以達成從國際無政府文化、國家身份與認同及國家角色的演變,進而影響國家安全戰略與政策制訂,尤其溫特認為處於洛克無政府下國家實行安全政策,可以推動「集體身份」的形成,必須包括:以達成必要條件的「自我約束」,與充分條件之「共同命運」、「同質性」與「相互依存」配合下,建構中美互動下的身份關係,呈現中國的客觀國家安全利益,同時再透過胡錦濤主政期間(2002-2012)主觀的決策分析,進而產生對外的國家安全戰略與政策,及對外作為。運用此論點分析,一方面檢視國家安全戰略思維架構;一方面觀察影響中國國家安全戰略與政策的相關因素,以作為未來繼續研究之方向與可能性。


The Sino-US relations are complicated and are therefore difficult to be effectively explained or predicted by conventional theories of international relations. For example, neo-realism considers the relations of power structure as the most important variable for analysis; on the other hand, neo-liberalism focuses on different benefits as the institutional foundation. Hence, the identity of constructivism is pivotal and is capable of amending and adjusting the theoretical insufficiency. Based on the interaction of international community actors, and factors such as international security environment, national interest and security strategy, this thesis intends to establish the analytical structure for the Chinese national security strategy. The mechanism and process of international actors and constructivism for the concept of national security cultural studies were also adopted. Through Alexander Wendt’s constructivism identity and Peter Katzenstein’s theory of culture of national security, this thesis analyzes the contents of culture of international anarchy, correlation between national identity and national interest, and the output process of national security strategy and policy. Furthermore, it eventually intends to build an analytical structure for the national security strategy. By analyzing constructivism, this thesis aims to discuss the international anarchy culture and the evolution of international identity and national roles, in order to influence the policy making of national security strategy and policy, especially in the case of those countries that Wendt believes under Lockean anarchy are able to form the collective identity. This collective identity must incorporate self-restraint and collective fate, homogeneity and interdependence in order to establish the identity relations under the interaction between China and the US. It also seeks to present the objective national security interest of China. Through decision maker’s subjective interest under Hu Jingtao’s regime (2002-2012), it further created the national security strategy and policy. Having adopted this argument and analysis, this thesis reviews the structure of national security strategy; on the other hand, relevant factors that influence the Chinese national security strategy and policy are observed. Finally, this paper aims to guide the direction for Taiwan’s national security strategy and policy in order to assist government in terms of relevant policy making.


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