  • 期刊


President-Premier Relationship and Its Influence to Change of Government: The Case of France's Fifth Republic


在實行半總統制的法國,總統和總理間的互動經常處在微妙狀態。做為第五共和首任總理,Debre經常被形容是「比戴高樂更傾向戴高樂派」。然而,他的去職稱不上好聚好散。因此,Pierre Servent將府院關係本質比喻成「弒父情結」(Oedipus complex)。孚眾望的總理因為企圖更上層樓,所以和總統陷入衝突。無論誰勝誰負,雙方都會受到傷害,並且可能讓敵對陣營坐收漁利。在這方面,1981年的政黨輪替是典型案例。本文試圖就Servent的假設進行檢證。從1968到1976年,右派經歷三次總統和總理的明爭暗鬥,衍生影響則是延續到1981年政黨輪替,甚至到1990年代中期還餘波盪漾。作者試圖用歷史研究法探討這三次府院衝突造成的政治分歧,以及他們對1981年政黨輪替的影響。


The relationship between French President and Prime Minister is the focus of study for many students of political science. This is largely due to the dual-executive nature of the constitution since 1958. Being the first Prime Minister of the Fifth Republic, Michel Debre was said to be more Gaullist than de Gaulle. It did not prevent him from being forced to step down in 1962. Pierre Servent utilizes the idea of Oedipus complex to discribe the relationship between French President and Prime Minister. A popular Prime Minister is inclined to have presidential ambition. His or her relationship with the President is often full of conflicts. Win or lose, both sides get hurts. The opposition party benefits from the result of fratricide. The change of government in 1981 is a typical example. This article tries to testify the hypothesis of Servent. From 1968 to 1976, the right wing government witnessed three consecutive conflicts between the President and Prime Minister. In 1981, the first Socialist President, Francois Mitterand got elected. The author tries to analyze internal divisions of the conservative camp and their influence on the change of government.
