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The Effects of Government Funding on Local Ethnic Nonprofit Organizations: The Multiple Case Studies of Hakka Organizations




Under the trend of global government reengineering in recent years, governmental use of economic policy tools to fund non-profit organizations has increased significantly whether in budget size or policy scope. In Taiwan, the main income of local ethnic nonprofit organizations come from government funding. This article constructs an analytical framework to examine the impact of government funding on the roles and functions of local ethnic nonprofit organizations. Representative Hakka Organizations (Hakka associations and Hakka performing arts groups) with different attributes, scale and length of establishment in Taoyuan City are selected as study subjects. Through qualitative empirical research, the positive and negative impact of government funding for Hakka organizations to provide Hakka services, stimulate innovative tools and other instrumental roles, spread Hakka values, strengthen Hakka social capital, enhance citizen participation, conduct expression roles such as policy advocacy were examined. Based on the findings of the empirical research, in terms of service-providing collaboration but advocacy bandwagoning, government funding has a significant impact on their roles. In other words, government funding directly enhances the instrumental role of Hakka organizations in transmitting Hakka cultural and art heritage. However, the expressive role of conveying Hakka values and spirit is also indirectly weakened. In conclusion, the article found that in the short term, government funding has a positive impact on helping local ethnic non-profit organizations provide richer, more diversified and more innovative public services. However, in the long run, government funding may also reduce the autonomy of local ethnic non-profit organizations and generate resource dependence, thereby undermining their ethnic responsiveness and advocates in ethnic affairs.


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