  • 期刊


Terrorism and Media in the Context of Globalization


美蘇兩強冷戰時期高度軍事對抗下的兩極體系,在蘇聯宣告解體之後驟然消失,取而代之的是具有高度連結特性的全球化「國際社會」。在一切以「高階政治」議題為主的情況下,舉凡種族衝突、環境保護議題、人口或毒品非法交易與恐怖主義都成為了當時刻意被忽略的議題。這些「低階政治」議題在冷戰結束之後,隨著全球化的趨勢,卻逐漸成為擾論國際社會秩序的變數。其中,恐怖主義自由穿越各國國界的「能動性」(agential power)也跳脫了冷戰時期研究者與決策者慣用的「國家中心」(state-centric)研究框架,隨著網際網路的迅速普及,恐怖組織利用新興媒體的趨勢更成為現今國際研究的趨勢之一。鑑此,在本文中先行界定全球化與恐怖主義各自的定義,及其相互作用,接著論述恐怖組織如何利用媒體進行宣傳,網際網路出現前後的媒體特性,最後做出結論。


全球化 恐怖主義 媒體 網際網路


The bi-polarity international system, fostered by high intensive US-USSR military confrontation, suddenly collapsed after the disengagement of USSR and being replaced by high interconnected globalized international society. Due to the heavy stresses being put on so-called ”high politics” issue, some problems such as ethnic conflicts, environmental protection, illegal human (or drug) trafficking, and terrorism are ignored by great powers purposely. After the end of the Cold war, those issues spill over all around the world and transform to be disruption variables of international order.Among them, the agential power of terrorism to pass state border freely also make this issue escape from ”state-centric” frame which researchers and policy decision-makers are accustomed to exert. At the same time, the rampant popularity of Internet also changes the habits of terrorism organizations to use it. Based on this, author tries to explore the trend of globalization, to distinguish the definitions of terrorism, then to discuss the characters of media in pre-Internet and Internet period, and to conclude this paper with some findings.


globalization terrorism media internet
