  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Role of American Hegemony under Trump Administration


金德伯格(Charles Kindleberger)、吉爾平(Robert Gilpin)等指出,國際社會存在霸權,有助制定國際互動的規範,藉提供「公共財」(public goods),維持世界政、經及安全體系穩定。美國自二戰以來,一直在國際上扮演主導強權角色。2017年1月川普主政後,轉而強調「美國優先」,不願承擔較多的國際義務與責任,未發揮霸權應有穩定與主導作用。本文檢視「霸權穩定論」(hegemonic stability theory)主要論點及相關評論,歸納霸權之責任,檢證美國總統川普就任後重要外交安全作為,分析美國霸權角色相較於歐巴馬政府之轉變與影響。


Charles Kindleberger and Robert Gilpin, pointed out that the existence of hegemony in the international community can help to lay down the norms of international interaction and provide "public goods" in order to maintain the stabilities of world politics, economy and security system. Since World War II, the United States has been a global leading power. However, after Trump came to power in January 2017, he turned to emphasize "America First" and has been unwilling to assume international obligations, and the responsible stakeholder role that a hegemon is supposed to play. This article examines the major arguments and comments of the hegemonic stability theory; and thereby comes to an induction of the responsibilities that a hegemon should have, as well as use them to inspect the important diplomatic and security conduct of the Trump Administration as an account of the transformation and impact of the hegemonic role of the United States.
