  • 期刊

鹽膚木蜂花粉萃取物之抗氧化體外(in vitro)及體內(in vivo)試驗評估

Studies of In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation of Antioxidative Properties of the Extracts of Rhus chinensis Mill Bee Pollen


目前已知蜂花粉富含抗氧化物質,這對於要周全保護植物的生殖細胞是相當重要的基本配套,畢竟於開花時會遭受紫外線強烈照射有可能破壞精細胞DNA,這對於植物確保遺傳的基因品質是一大挑戰。我們利用鹽膚木蜂花粉的萃取物(包括極性相及非極性相)來進行抗氧化體外(in vitro)及體內(in vivo)試驗評估。我們所使用的抗氧化體外試驗的方法為DPPH自由基清除率;而體內試驗方法是利用偵測蛋白質羰基(carbonyl groups)暴露的免疫呈色方法。由DPPH自由基清除率的結果顯示鹽膚木蜂花粉酒精(95%)萃取物的抗氧化物質的含量明顯優於水相萃取物。而體內試驗結果顯示含0.5%(w/w)冷凍乾燥水相萃取物或含0.5%(w/w)經減壓濃縮及冷凍乾燥之酒精(95%)萃取物之試驗配方皆沒有顯著的臨床抗氧化效力。我們認為酒精(95%)萃取物經減壓濃縮處理時間過長,可能造成抗氧化活性成份的減損,可進一步改進萃取條件以保有抗氧化活性成份。


抗氧化 蜂花粉 鹽膚木


It is known that many antioxidative compounds are present in bee pollens which play an important role in passing the reproduction codes of DNA that need to be well protected from the damaging power of ultraviolet radiation. This study is to investigate in vitro and in vivo antioxidative properties of polar and non-polar extracts of Rhus chinensis Mill bee pollen. The in vitro antioxidative capability was performed by the DPPH scavenging ability tests. The in vivo antioxidative capability was evaluated by detecting the level of protein carbonyl group on human forehead stratum corneum. The DPPH scavenging assay indicated that the ethanol-soluble extract showed a higher DPPH scavenging capability than the water-soluble extract. The data of the in vivo antioxidative capability evaluationindicated that 0.5% water-soluble (or ethanol-soluble) extracts had no effect on reducing the level of exposed carbonyl group in human stratum corneum protein. We believe that the recovery of the active components form the ethanol-soluble extract by rotary vacuum evaporator is the main cause for reducing the oxidative stability of some antioxidants. Finding more effective means to recover the antioxidants from the extract will be our main task.


Antioxidation Rhus chinensis Mill Bee pollen


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