  • 期刊


The Study of Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Hair Style Selection


現代人對於自己的外表和儀容極為重視,尤其髮型在整體造型上,占有非常重要的角色,能把髮型搭配得恰到好處、符合個人的風格是值得探討的議題。本研究為了瞭解消費者選擇美髮造型影響的因素,本研究首先藉由文獻探討得到消費者選擇的美髮造型因素,其目的是作為消費者個人形象選擇之參考依據。主要包括「個人條件」、「個人需求」及「流行趨勢」等三個構面接下來透過模糊德菲法專家問卷調查,從最高9 分,到最低1 分,讓專家選出評選準則,再以驗證式因素分析探討美髮選擇因素,問卷填答採李克特式的七等量表,分別代表「非常不同意」、「不同意」、「有點不同意」、「同意」、「有點同意」「有同意」「非常同意」七個選項,本研究以225 位的消費者為樣本,研究結果顯示:基本適配度、整體適配度及內在適配度指標均有相當不錯的配適度。研究結果可提供美髮造型師專業造型建議及消費者個人形象選擇之參考依據。


Modern people pay much attention on their appearances, especially on hairstyle which plays a key role on the overall style. To make every single person's hairstyle good-looking and suitable for his or her personal style is the issue. To figure out what factors would influence consumers' preferences on their styles, this research first understands the factors that consumers make choices on their hair styles by exploring and analyzing documents. There are mainly three factors, including guests condition, guests needs, and fashion trend. The following survey is the Delphi Method which is evaluated from 9 to 1 for experts to choose the criterion. Then, with Verifiable Factor Analysis, we can know the further factors; this survey is conducted by "Likert scale", which shows levels from 1 to 7, representing totally disagree, a little bit disagree, disagree, agree, somewhat agree, agree, and totally agree. This survey has chosen 225 consumers as samples, and the result shows that the indicators of basic goodness of fit, overall goodness of fit and internal goodness of fit are all relatively good. In conclusion, the result of this survey can be used as a reference for hair stylists and every individual.


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