  • 期刊


An Exploratory Study and Analysis of a Novice Counselor's Initial Interview Sessions from Intention to Action





The purpose of the study is to explore the process from intention to action of a novice counselor in the initial session. Variant factors involved in that process will be dealt with so as to build up a mode for not only novice counselors but teachers and supervisors adopted as a referential tool in both their counseling practices and instruction activities. This study, as a qualitative approach, is based on some ideas involving the grounding theory. With the help of recording tapes of some interpersonal process reviews, I herein could provide with 116 sections of dialogue for further data analysis. The findings during foresaid interview, I find some following factors do influence the response mode of the novice counselor: the material represented, myth of the relationship, myth of gathering such material, personal emotions of counselors themselves and the ways they cope with such emotions, the paradoxical information gathered from other case etc. The response mode of the novice counselor might not be compatible with his (her) former intention. During process of gathering the material, I find that some goals and strategies might result in some corresponding response modes. But myths related to relationship and to that of gathering the material will affect the direction we choose the material-forcing us to abandon our former ideas (feelings or opinion), casting some doubts on ourselves or the case and thereby affecting the response mode. Some modes of depression, anxiety and frustration might rise up during the demanding process of the novice counselor, which could interfere on appropriate response mode, deteriorate a counseling relationship, hinder the gathering of some useful material and even interrupt the proceedings of the counseling. And a mistaken idea on relationship could interfere some adequate response mode and make such constructing relationship groundless.


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