  • 期刊


The Analysis of Leaders' Intentions and Focus in Group Counseling



本研究旨在探討團體諮商歷程中領導者個人主觀的意圖,以及分別聚焦在團體和成員個人時意圖的變化。採取發現式研究的方法,以五位博士級準諮商師為研究對象,選取三個進行十次歷程完整的團體,以人際歷程回憶的方式,於每次團體聚會後的一週內,收集領導者帶領第二次到第九次團體的意圖資料。本研究發現如下: 一、意圖共計490個,以內容分析法予以區分意圖類別共得37細類,再次歸類成12個主要意圖類別,分別是:1.表達支持。2.處理情緒。3.增強與協助個人改變。4.促進洞察。5.形成與推進個人目標。6.獲取資訊與評估。7.訓練人際技巧。8.建立團體文化。9.促進團體凝聚力。10.催化團體歷程。11.滿足領導者的需求。12.其他。 二、領導者聚焦在「團體歷程」的意圖有隨著團體的進展逐漸減少的情形,而聚焦在「個別成員」則隨著團體的進展而逐漸增加的情形。 三、領導者將意圖聚焦於團體時的意圖類別為:「促進團體凝聚力」、「催化團體歷程」;當聚焦於個人的意圖類別為:「促進洞察」、「獲得資訊與評估」、「訓練人際技巧」、「表達支持」四類。 依據上述結果,本研究針對團體領導者訓練、督導,以及未來研究方向提出建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore group leaders’subjective intentions and the changes of focusing occurred during group meeting sessions. Discovery qualitative approach was used to collect data from 5 doctorate trainees. The “Interpersonal Process Recall” (IPR) was applied to collect leaders’intentions within group counseling sessions within a week immediately after they had led the groups. The findings of this study were as follow: 1. There were totally 490 intentions were found, and these were primarily divided into 37 categories, and then simplified to 12 categories by content analysis: (1) expressing support; (2) working on feelings and emotions; (3) reinforcing and helping personal changes; (4) facilitating insight; (5) setting and promoting personal goals; (6) getting information and assessment; (7) interpersonal skills training; (8) establishing the group culture; (9) facilitating the group cohesion; (10) facilitating the group process; (11) satisfying the leaders’ need; (12) the others. 2. The leaders’ intentions to focus on “group process” decreased as the group process carried on, while the “individual member” focus increased with the group processing. 3. When leaders focused on “the group process”, their intentions were“facilitating the group cohesion” and “facilitating the group process”. When leaders focused on “the individual member”, their intentions were “facilitating insight”,“getting information and assessment”,“interpersonal skills training” and “expressing support”. Based on the findings, some suggestions were made.


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