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The secular State in modernity and the Distinction of Functions between Politics/ Religion: Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde on the Legitimacy of Principle of State Neutrality


本文的主旨在探討德國當代重要的公法學者Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde(1930-2019)如何證立國家宗教與世界觀中立性誡命。本文指出,Böckenförde建立一個現代性理論,並指出現代國家基於完成其任務,需要以宗教與世界觀的中立性為其結構性原則。Böckenförde援引德國哲學家Joachim Ritter的現代性理論,指出二元分立是現代社會的重要特徵。歐洲世俗化的歷史發展,讓歐洲社會產生了政治與宗教、個人與傳統、國家與社會以及法與倫理的四種二元分立。現代國家不再以宗教真理為其正當性基礎,改以維護和平秩序與個人自由為主要任務。基於這兩個任務,現代國家需要以國家中立性為其結構性原則。Böckenförde也進一步指出,政治與宗教在現代社會中,有不同的任務與功能,因此不應該混淆兩者。Böckenförde不反對宗教出現在公共場域。他認為,基於民主政治的開放性,宗教可以出現在公共場域,但不應該想成為政治的指導者。Böckenförde支持德國憲法學中開放中立性的看法,認為國家在法制上,不需要刻意排斥宗教,但宗教仍應尊重國家法秩序。最後本文簡要說明如何以Böckenförde的理論回應當前德國公法學界對於宗教中立性的一些質疑。


This paper discusses how Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde (1930-2019), a most famous contemporary German public law jurist, justified the principle of state neutrality in constitutional theory. Because of Influence of the philosophy of Joachim Ritter (1903-1974, founder of "Ritter School"), Böckenförde constituted a theory of modernity to prove the historical legitimacy of modern secular state. He pointed out, in the process of Secularization, the modern European states come out from the structures of bifurcation (Entzweiung) of modern society. There are four difference structures of bifurcation in modern European society: the distinction of politics and religion, the distinction of personality and tradition, the distinction of state and society, and the distinction of law and ethics. The modern European state no longer takes religious truth as the basis of its legitimacy, and instead takes the maintenance of peaceful order and individual freedom as its main task. For the maintenance of peaceful order and individual freedom, the modern state should obey the principle of state neutrality. In other words, without the principle of state neutrality, the modern can't accomplish its tasks. The importance of the principle of state neutrality doesn't disappear in democratic state, The state should keep its neutrality in the political process to enact the law which meets the standard of public welfare, as well as it should keep its neutrality to give the fair trials for the conflicts in the society. In Böckenförde's constitutional theory, the principle of state neutrality is the necessary structure of modern state. Besides, Böckenförde also considered, in the modern society, the missions and functions of politics and religions are different. Therefore, the doctrines of any religion can't provide the guideline for the political behaviors of the state. Böckenförde approved the doctrine of open neutrality in the Germany constitutional law. But He also tried to point out, the common religion can't integrate the whole society.


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