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Reconstructing Taiwanese Indigenous Literary History


Although Taiwanese Indigenous literature has a long history, the first monograph to consider it, Pasuya Poiconu's (浦忠成) Literary History of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples, was not published until 2009. This book represents a significant attempt at deconstructing Chinese/Taiwanese literary history while simultaneously constructing a pan-Indigenous literary history. How might we understand the dual implications of construction and deconstruction at play in Indigenous literature as formulated by Poiconu? What specific historical conditions shaped its emergence? What is its relationship to Taiwan literature? How is Indigenous literature presented as an organic whole? How does chronology become a transformative element in the writing of Indigenous literary history? To answer these questions, this study begins with a basic overview of "literary history" as a concept, followed by an analysis of the innovations and limitations of the theories and methodologies at play in Poiconu's Literary History of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples.


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Chi Ta-wei 紀大偉. Tongzhi wenxue shi: Taiwan de faming 同志文學史:台灣的發明 (A Queer Invention in Taiwan: A History of Tongzhi Literature). Linking Publishing, 2017.
Chiu Kuei-fen 邱貴芬. “Yuanzhumin xuyao wenxue chuangzuo ma?” 原住民需要文學創作嗎 (“Do Indigenous People Need Literature?”). Ziyou shibao 自由時報 (Liberty Times), E7, 20 Sep. 2005.
