  • 期刊


Discuss the Key Factors of the Business Model of Micro-Business Cultural and Creative Enterprises


近年許多己開發國家將文創產業設定為經濟轉型過程中的重要指標,而臺灣10餘年來更將文創產業定為國家重點發展產業之一,可見其重要性。惟臺灣文創產業長年在代工舊思維及專研創作下,忽略了商業模式,尤在當今網路科技世代,各式未見的商業模式不斷湧現,但也讓許多想致力於文創產業之微型創業者不知所措。本研究期望微型創業者投入文創產業時,不僅要注重商品或服務的設計,更要關切商業模式之運作,方能永續經營。因此本研究藉由Osterwalder & Pigneur(2010)的商業模式圖做為微型創業者投入文創產業之商業模式的九個準則,輔以決策實驗法為基礎之網路程序分析法(DANP),透過此方法,本研究主要以找出這九個因素的相對重要性與因果關係,並就各個準則進行說明微型創業者投入文創產業之商業模式內容,並依因果圖與較重要的因素進一步闡述在商業模式中的重要管理意涵,期為臺灣文創產業注入創新的活水。


In recent years, many countries have been developing cultural and creative industries will set an important indicator of economic transition, and Taiwan more than 10 years to the cultural and creative industries as one of the national key development industry, showing its importance. However, Taiwan's cultural and creative industry has been neglecting business models under the old thinking and specialized research and creation of foundry for many years. Especially in the current generation of Internet technology, various unseen business models continue to emerge, but many want to devote themselves to the cultural and creative industry. The micro-entrepreneurs are at a loss. This study was expected micro-entrepreneurs into cultural and creative industries, not only to pay attention to the design of goods or services, but also to concern about the operation of the business model, in order sustainable development. Therefore, this study uses the business model diagram of Osterwalder & Pigneur (2010) as the nine criteria for the business model of micro-entrepreneurs investing in the cultural and creative industry, using the network process analysis method (DANP) based on the decision-making experiment method, Through this method, this research aims to find out the relative importance and causality of these nine factors, and explain the business model content of micro-entrepreneurs entering the cultural and creative industry in terms of each factor. Based on the cause and effect diagram and more important factors, it further elaborates the important management implications in the business model, hoping to inject innovative water into Taiwan's cultural and creative industry.


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