  • 期刊


The Study of the Situations Soliciting the Aggressive Behavior for School Children with Aggressive Behaviors


本研究以彰化縣小學轉介個案,輔導資料顯示有經常性攻擊或與人爭吵產生的人際困擾問題,且在一週內至少發生過一次攻擊行爲,具有攻擊性的行動外化之高年級學童爲受訪者,共計三十位,研究者先利用自編的人際衝突問題情境(方惠生,2000)進行篩選後,在其發生「衝突事件」或「攻擊行爲」的一週內,以半結構晤談方式進行訪談。收集其在引發攻擊行爲的真實情境之質性資料進行內容的叢聚分析。 研究結果發現:攻擊型學童認爲最容易引發生氣攻擊行爲的事件是因被挑釁、嘲弄等而覺得是對方故意的行爲,或是在過程中受到肢體、口語攻擊及覺得有不被尊重的感覺。攻擊型學童將這些事件歸因於對方故意的行爲,且是對方先攻擊或先不尊重他所造成的。大部分外在環境是學校,當下課時間在教室裡多人在場較容易發生。當攻擊型學童面對攻擊情境會有厭惡、委屈、丟臉等負面的、生氣的感受,有時會有想直接攻擊的情緒。大部分攻擊型學童會以「攻擊」來解決問題,因此引發衝突事件。攻擊型學童使用「攻擊」來解決問題的原因是認爲這事件主要認爲是對方惹的禍、爲了反制對方或反應自己情緒問題,在沒有適當的解決方式時所產生的行爲。 依照研究結果研究者發展出「引發攻擊型學童攻擊行爲的情境」模式,提供相關輔導及研究參考。


For lack of social problem-solving skills, aggressive children tend to react aggressively when facing social problems. The late studies suggest that the behaviors and emotional responses of children are not consistent with their actual behaviors in the scenario analysis and realistic situations. The subjects, 30 involved and in consultation, are from the senior grades of elementary schools in Chang-hua. The consultative data show that they have relationship problems, often attacking others or quarreling with others; they have aggressive behavior once a week at least. This study adopts a self-developed relationship conflict situations (Hui-Hseng. Fang, 2000). The subjects are interviewed within a week when having conflicts or aggressive behaviors. And interviews with these subjects are proceeded with the focused or semi-structured interview way. Group-analysis is used to analyze the realistic situations of temping children's aggressive behaviors. In conclusion, the study indicates that aggression occurs most easily when aggressive children are provoked or laughed at by those who do it on purpose, verbally or physically. Aggressive children attribute aggression to the opposites for their deliberate hostility. Aggression occurs in schools mostly, and it occurs more easily with more students in the classroom during the break. When aggressive students are in aggressive situations, they have negative emotions, such as disgust and shame, even the impulse of attack sometimes. Most of them adopt aggression to solve the problems, resulting in conflicts. The reasons aggressive children aggress are to reflect their own emotions and to resist the opposites' provocation. Based on the results, this study concludes a model of the situations that tempt aggressive children to offend. It may provide further investigation for other researchers in the related fields.


