  • 期刊


The Study on the Testing Methods of Hot-spring Water: An Example of Hot-spring Water from Cardinal Tien Junior College of Healthcare and Management in Yilan Campus


溫泉浴與溫泉水療(SPA)的休閒近年來席捲全台,溫泉成為觀光業者最熱門的產業。然而台灣無特別針對溫泉所制定的檢測方法,而已開發之溫泉種類繁多,溫泉水中所含之化學成分亦有不同分析檢驗,藉由溫泉水水質調查,可以瞭解溫泉水中物質對人體健康或環境造成的影響。溫泉的功能已由原本的沐浴、觀光發展到農業栽培、復健養生、生物科技、皮膚醫學等用途。為了使溫泉的使用更加恰當與安全,本研究以耕莘健康管理專科學校宜蘭校區溫泉水為例,探討溫泉水水質特性、細菌性標準檢測、游離胺基酸氮含量(Free α-Amino Nitrogen (FAN))與重金屬濃度之相關檢測,結果證實溫泉水溫度為80.30±0.83℃,濁度為2.87±0.24NTU,pH值為7.40±0.15,無微生物污染且有害重金屬(砷、鎘、鉻、錳、鉛)含量皆低於0.05μg/L,此外溫泉水中亦含有游離胺基酸氮,具有開發美容產品之潛力,更確切之有效成分鑑定及其生理作用機制尚待進一步研究。


In recent years, the leisure activities of spa bath and spa (SPA) have swept across Taiwan. Spa has become the most popular product in tourism industry. Nevertheless, there are no specific standards of detection methods for hot-spring water in Taiwan. In many developed hot springs, there are different analytical tests for the chemical composition of hot-spring water. In order to understand the impact of hot-spring water substance on human health or the environment, we investigate the general quality characteristics of hot-spring water. The usage of hot-spring water has been extended from the conventional function of bathing and the role as tourist attractions into the agricultural cultivation, rehabilitation regimen, biotechnology, dermatology and so on. In order to make better and safer use, we investigate the quality characteristics, bacterial test, free α-amino nitrogen (FAN) contents and heavy metal concentrations in hot-spring water in Yilan campus at Cardinal Tien Junior College of Healthcare And Management. In this study, we demonstrated that the temperature, turbidity and pH value of hot-spring water were 80.30±0.83℃, 2.87±0.24 NTU and 7.40±0.15, respectively. Additionally, the hot-spring water without microbial contamination, the toxic heavy metal concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Mn and Pb were less than 0.05 μg/L, and it also contains FAN. It is obviously that the hotspring water has the potential for beauty products development. Further investigation is needed to confirm details of various mineral concentrations.
