  • 期刊


The Effects of Integrating the Orff Music Teaching Method into Children's Creative Drama Course - A Case Study on the Childcare Department of a Junior College


本研究旨在培育幼教師資人力,正視幼教師之基礎音樂能力養成,將奧福音樂教學模式融入幼兒創造性戲劇課程,嘗試以南部一所大專幼保科之二專一年級、二專二年級、五專四年級學生共計55位學生為受測對象,由校內教師授課八週及業界聘請專家授課六週後分別進行教學滿意度測驗,測量工具使用「教師教學意見調查表」測得教學滿意度得分。統計軟體使用SPSS 24版進行描述性分析、獨立t檢定、變異數分析、配對t檢定、迴歸分析。研究顯示,不同立場的觀點及感受,有不謀而合,亦大異其趣處,均反應出學生個人的心聲。結果:1.教學滿意度問卷信度達0.990以上,表示信度優良。換句話說,不同教學方案之教學滿意度並無多大差異。2.業師協同方案施測後,單因子變異數分析顯示,喜歡參與藝術表演活動者之學習滿意度得分高於不喜歡參與藝術表演活動者(p=0.002)。3.其餘的基本資料屬性分別在二種方案中,學習滿意度得分並無差。4.教學效果滿意度與自我評比得分之間皮爾森相關係數為0.219及0.154,皆未達統計上顯著水準(α=0.05)。5.在業師協同方案中,迴歸分析結果顯示幼保科二專二年級及幼保科五專四年級的學習滿意度皆高於幼保科二專一年級(p=0.021、p=0.008),喜歡參與藝術性質表演活動基本屬性中,喜歡者的學習滿意度顯著高於不喜歡參與藝術性質表演活動者(p=0.002)。


This study focuses on the development of preschool teachers' basic music ability and integrates the Orff music teaching method into children's creative drama courses in order to enhance the cultivation of childcare teaching faculty. The subjects of this study were 55 students from a junior college in southern Taiwan, including the first and second grades of the two-year junior college program in the Childcare Department and the fourth grade of the five-year junior college program in the Childcare Department. After eight-week courses given by the junior college's teachers and six-week lectures given by industry experts, a teaching satisfaction assessment was conducted on these two teaching models with "Survey questionnaires of Student-led Teaching Evaluation" used as the research tool. Descriptive statistics of the collected data were generated through SPSS 24. Moreover, the independent sample t-test, ANOVA, paired sample t-test and regression analysis were used for data analysis. The results indicated various similarities and differences among students' personal opinions and perceptions regarding these two teaching models. The results are as follows: (1) The results of the "Survey questionnaires of Student-led Teaching Evaluation" had reliability of 0.990 (or 99%). That is, there is no difference in teaching satisfaction of these two teaching models; (2) After the industry expert collaborative teaching, the data derived from the one-way ANOVA analysis indicated that those who are fond of arts and performances gave higher scores on their learning satisfaction than those who are not (p=0.002); (3) Regarding the other variables with regard to the personal background of the subjects, there is no difference between these two teaching models in terms of the subjects' learning satisfaction; (4) the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients of their satisfaction with teaching effectiveness and their self-evaluation of learning effectiveness were 0.219 and 0.154, respectively, both failing to reach 95% statistical significance (α=0.05); (5) In the industry expert collaborative teaching, the results of the regression analysis showed that the learning satisfaction of the second-graders of the two-year junior college program of the Childcare Department and the fourth-graders of the five-year junior college program of the Childcare Department was higher than that of the first-graders of the two-year junior college program (p=0.021 and p=0.008, respectively). As for the "Like to join activities related to arts and performances" dimension in the questionnaire survey, learning satisfaction of those who are fond of related activities was significantly higher than that of those who are not (p=0.002).
