  • 期刊


從他界看日本人的死生觀-以文學觀點試論|The Japanese Concept of Life and Death Revealed in the Idea of the Afterlife: From a Literary Point of View




他界 死生観 神道 仏教 現世志向 來世志向


他界意指死後的世界,不同的文化有不同的詮釋。基督教中,他界是充滿愛與光明的美好天國,或是惡魔存在的恐懼煉獄;而佛教中的他界,則是沒有痛苦煩惱的極樂淨土,或是刑罰不斷重複的地獄世界。至於日本人對他界的看法如何?日本人他界觀和其信仰的神道與佛教有何關聯?神道與佛教對日本人的死生觀又有何具體影響?皆為探討日本人死生觀之重要課題。本論文聚焦各時代的文學經典名著,從文學作品中描繪之他界,探討日本人對死亡的獨特看法。其後再自日本文學中所見他界之變容,考察其中所蘊含的宗教要素,從他界的觀點論述日本人之死生觀。期藉拙論,對日本人的死生觀有更進一步之探究,進而對理解日本的宗教思想文化有所助益。|An afterlife means a world after death, and it is interpreted differently depending on cultures. In Christian world, the afterlife is portrayed as joyful paradise full of love and brightness, or inferno with demons; whereas in Buddhism the afterlife is depicted as Sukhavati or Hell. With regard to the Japanese, how do they think about the afterlife? What is the relevance between the Japanese idea of the afterlife and Shinto and Buddhism believed in by the Japanese? What do Shinto and Buddhism concretely influence the Japanese concept of life and death? These are important issues for discussing the Japanese concept of life and death. In this paper, the portraits of the afterlife in classic literary works in each period as examples, the unique Japanese idea of death is discussed. Subsequently, the religious elements contained in variations of the portraits of the afterlife in Japanese literature are examined and the Japanese concept of life and death is discussed from the point of view of the idea of the afterlife. This paper aims to clarify the Japanese concept of life and death further and to help understand Japanese religion, thought and culture.
