  • 期刊

The Use of the Appendix or Tapered Ileal Segment as a Continent Cathererizable Efferent Limb of Urinary Reservior





Background and Purpose: We report our functional results of ileal continent reservoir, which utilized the modified Mitrofanoff procedure as the continence mechanism in 5 invasive bladder cancer patients post radical cystectomy. Methods: Five invasive bladder cancer patients accepted radical cystectomywith ileal continent reservoir formation and follow-up ranged from 28 to 99 months (mean 53). Three patients accepted modified appendix and two accepted the ileal segment tapering as the continent catheterizable efferent limb. One patient died of metastatic bladder cancer 28 months postoperatively. Results: During the mean follow-up of 53months, all the 5 patientswere satisfiedwith the ease of performing self-catheterization through the umbilical stoma. Urodynamic evaluations revealed lowpressure reservoir and stable sphincter tonewithout urine leakage. None of patients had stoma stenosis or appendix perforation, catheterization interval increased from 3 to 5 hours as reservoir capacity developed. Conclusion: The appendix or tapered ileal segment seem to be the satisfactory structure for the creation of a continent catheterizable conduit and the placement of stoma in the umbilicus proves to be advantageous in enhancing the patient's body image and quality of life.
