  • 期刊


Effects of Consuming Chicken Soup with Sesame-oil and Alcohol on Breast Milk in Lactating Women


目的:母乳是最合乎嬰兒生理需求的食品,在我國傳統的坐月子習俗中,麻油雞酒湯是大部分哺乳婦會攝取的膳食之一,但其所含酒精的排除需要多少時間及是否會對母乳餵哺造成影響?這是本篇研究想探討的主要目的。方法:於臺北醫學大學萬芳醫院招募對酒精無過敏的健康哺乳婦女共23位,以利用標準化配方統一製作的不含酒精的麻油雞湯(CS)和酒精含量為40mg/mL的麻油雞酒湯(AS)為實驗材料。每位受測者分別各進行2次實驗,中間間隔一星期,實驗前3天受試者避免攝取酒精性飲料或膳食,實驗進行前受試者以電動擠乳器排空乳汁,再分別依體重攝取8mL/kg CS或AS。於攝取後10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 90分鐘和20, 40, 60, 90, 150分鐘,分別收集乳汁和抽血,於攝取後120分鐘,測量乳汁分泌時第一滴乳汁噴出時間和30分鐘的泌乳量。結果:研究發現攝取AS後25±11和32±19分鐘血液和母乳中的酒精濃度分別達到最高,約於攝取後200分鐘時,大部分受試者的血液和母乳中酒精濃度趨近於基準值。攝取AS後,乳汁分泌時第一滴乳汁噴出時閒顯著較攝取CS長。30分鐘泌乳量方面,攝取AS與CS相較,13人有減少的情形,而10人有增加的情形,故不具統計上之差異。結論:綜合本實驗結果,攝取麻油雞酒湯後對母乳餵哺的影響,主要會延長當次乳汁分泌時的噴乳反射時間,且根據本研究結果,建議攝取後 2.5~3小時以上再行母乳餵哺應可避免或減少嬰兒經由乳汁攝入酒精所產生的健康風險。


Objectives: The aim of present study was to investigate the effects of consuming sesame-oil chicken with rice wine on breast-feeding. Methods: Twenty- three lactating women were recruited. Non-alcoholic sesame-oil chicken soup, used as the control (CS), and sesame-oil chicken with rice wine soup (AS) containing 40mg/mL alcohol were prepared using standard materials and methods traditionally employed in Taiwan. Each woman underwent 2 days of testing separated by 1 week. Before the experiment, each subject emptied both breasts using an electric breast pump, and then drank 8mL of CS or AS/kg of body weight. After consuming the soup, milk and blood samples were collected every 10-10mm. The time of the first droplet of milk to be ejected and the amount of milk yield 120mm after consumption were measured. Results: Results showed that the maximal alcohol concentrations in the blood and milk were achieved 25±11 and 32±19mm after AS consumption, respectively. Blood and milk alcohol concentrations of most subjects had returned to the basal levels about 200mm after AS consumption. The time for the first droplet of milk to be ejected was significantly longer after consuming AS than CS. The milk yield within 30mm after consuming AS was significantly decreased in 13 subjects and increased in 10 subjects. Conclusions: According to the present study, we recommend breast- feeding babies more than 2.5-1h after consumption to avoid risks to infants caused by alcohol exposure in breast milk.
