  • 學位論文


Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Medium Chain Triglycerides on Growth Performances, Carcass Traits and Intestinal Characteristics of Chicks

指導教授 : 謝豪晃


本試驗旨在探討,添加中鏈三酸甘油酯(medium chain triglycerides, MCT),對雞隻生長性能、屠體性狀及腸道性狀之影響。試驗一選用一日齡愛拔益加肉雛雞400隻,逢機分配至16欄,採4處理 × 4重複之試驗設計,每欄為25隻。4處理組分別為Con(基礎飼糧)、MCT 0.05(基礎飼糧 + 0.05% 中鏈三酸甘油酯)、MCT 0.1(基礎飼糧 + 0.1% 中鏈三酸甘油酯)及MCT 0.2(基礎飼糧 + 0.2% 中鏈三酸甘油酯)。試驗之飼糧及飲水皆採任食。於14、28、38日齡,雞隻個別秤重,同時記錄每欄之飼料消耗量。於38日齡生長試驗結束後,每處理組逢機選取4隻與平均體重相近之雞隻犧牲,進行腸道菌相檢測,屠體性狀,及空、迴腸絨毛高度及腺窩深度之測量。試驗二選用一日齡公紅羽-土雞320隻,逢機分配至16欄,採4處理 × 4重複之試驗設計,每欄20隻。4處理組分別為Con(基礎飼糧)、NMCT 0.04(基礎飼糧 + 0.04% 增強型中鏈三酸甘油酯)、NMCT 0.08(基礎飼糧 + 0.08% 增強型中鏈三酸甘油酯)及MCT 0.1(基礎飼糧 + 0.1% 中鏈三酸甘油酯)。試驗之飼糧及飲水皆採任食。於28、56及 80日齡,雞隻個別秤重,同時記錄每欄之飼料消耗量。於80日齡生長試驗結束後,每處理組逢機選取4隻平均體重相近隻雞隻犧牲,進行腸道微生物檢測、屠體測定、空腸及迴腸黏膜型態之測量以及血液生化值之測定。試驗一結果顯示,生長性能方面,於29–38日齡階段,飼糧中添加中鏈三酸甘油酯0.2%之處理組其體重及體增重顯著高於對照組。屠體性狀方面,中鏈三酸甘油酯處理組的腹脂率均顯著低於對照組;而腸道菌相方面,飼糧中添加中鏈三酸甘油脂顯著降低空腸中大腸桿菌及總生菌菌落數。腸道型態方面,飼糧中添加中鏈三酸甘油酯 0.05、0.1及0.2%,可顯著提升肉雞空腸及迴腸之絨毛高度及絨毛高度與腺窩深度之比值,且顯著降低迴腸腺窩深度。試驗二之生長性能結果顯示,在1–80日齡中,以添加增強型中鏈三酸甘油酯0.04及0.08%之組別,顯著提升紅羽土雞之體重及體增重。在屠體性狀方面,各組間則無顯著差異。而腸道菌相方面,在飼糧中添加中鏈三酸甘油酯及增強型中鏈三酸甘油酯均有降低紅羽土雞直腸中大腸桿菌菌落數之趨勢。而飼糧中添加增強型中鏈三酸甘油酯0.04%之處理組,可顯著提升紅羽土雞空腸之絨毛高度;迴腸方面,飼糧中添加增強型中鏈三酸甘油酯0.08%,可較對照組顯著提升絨毛高度及絨毛高度與腺窩深度之比值。綜合上述二次試驗結果評估,在飼糧中添加中鏈三酸甘油酯,可改善腸道菌相及腸道型態進而達到改善雞隻生長性能之效果。


The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of supplementation of medium chain triglycerides (MCT) on growth performances, carcass traits and intestinal characteristics of chicks. In experiment 1, four hundred day-old Arbor Acres broilers were randomly allotted into 4 treatments × 4 replicates experimental design with 25 birds in each pen. The treatment birds were fed diets with CON (Corn-Soy basal diet), MCT 0.05 (with 0.05% medium chain triglycerides), MCT 0.1 (with 0.1% medium chain triglycerides) and MCT 0.2 (with 0.2% medium chain triglycerides). The experimental diets were divided into three phase as starter, grower and finisher. Feed and water were provided ad libitum through the trial. Birds were weighed individually and feed consumptions were recorded at 14, 28 and 38 days of age. Four birds from each treatment group were randomly selected at the end of the growth trial for carcass test, intestinal microflora test, and the jejunum and ileum samples were taken for examining the villus height and crypt depth. In experiment 2, three hundred and twenty day-old male red native chicks were randomly allotted into 4 treatments × 4 replicates experimental design with 20 birds in each pen. The treatment birds were fed diets with CON (Corn-Soy basal diet), NMCT 0.04 (with 0.04% new medium chain triglycerides), NMCT 0.08 (with 0.08% new medium chain triglycerides) and MCT 0.1 (with 0.1% medium chain triglycerides). The experimental diets were divided into three phase as starter, grower and finisher. Feed and water were provided ad libitum through the trial. Birds were weighed individually and feed consumptions were recorded at 28, 56 and 80 days of age. Four birds from each treatment were randomly selected at the end of the growth trial for carcass test, intestinal microflora test and the jejunum and ileum samples were taken for examining the villus height and crypt depth. The results of Exp. 1 showed that the final body weight and average body weight gain of the MCT0.2 group were significantly higher than the control group. The abdominal fat percentage of all MCT treatment groups were significantly lower than the control group. The intestinal coliform and aerobic plate counts were significantly lower in MCT groups than the control group. The jejunum and ileum villus height of the MCT treatment groups were significantly increased and so did the villus height/crypt depth ratio. The results of Exp. 2 showed that the groups with 0.04% and 0.08% NMCT significantly increased the body weight and average body weight gain than the control group. The results of carcass traits showed no significant differences among all treatment groups. In intestinal microflora, MCT and NMCT groups decreased the coliform counts in rectum. The jejunum villus height of the NMCT 0.04% group was significantly higher than control group. The ileum villus height and the villus height/crypt depth ratio of the NMCT 0.08% group were significantly increased than control group. In overall conclusion, dietary supplementation of medium chain triglycerides showed better intestinal morphology and gut microflora, hence, resulted in improving growth performances in chickens.


