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Screening Depression in the Community: Comparison between Taiwanese Depression Scale and the 5-Item Brief Symptom Rating Scale


目的:憂鬱症是造成長期失能的主要原因之一,即使抗憂鬱劑及心理治療均可有效治療憂鬱症,但許多憂鬱患者未被發現也未被治療,造成憂鬱防治的困境,而發展有效的篩檢量表為提升發現率的主要方法之一。其中,台灣人憂鬱量表與簡式症狀量表為具良好信效度之常用量表,本研究之目的在比較探討簡式症狀量表與台灣人憂鬱量表用於社區大規模憂鬱個案篩選時之信效度及兩者之異同。方法:以台灣縣市人口比例進行隨機抽樣,選取1552名參與者,由受過訓練之非精神專業訪員以電話調查基本資料及進行台灣人憂鬱量表及簡式症狀量表之評估。以intraclass correlation, cohen kappa value, McNemar test,診斷一致性,及調和係數評估兩者間之一致性。結果:台灣人憂鬱量表篩選出3.7%之參與者符合憂鬱之標準,簡式症狀量表篩選出5.1%之參與者達到精神障礙之程度,兩者診斷結果Cohen Kappa value分析顯示具中度之一致性,同時診斷一致性達95.4%,嚴重程度之調和性分析顯示兩者具高度之調和性。但McNemar test顯示簡式症狀量表篩檢之陽性比例顯著大於台灣人憂鬱量表。結論:兩量表使用於大規模之社區篩檢結果顯示量表具良好之內在一致性,可有效篩檢憂鬱及身心症狀,依研究結果建議簡式症狀量表適合做為針對常見精神疾患之社區篩檢工具,而台灣人憂鬱量表則適合作為憂鬱症患者之社區篩檢調查。同時若以簡式症狀量表作為兩階段精神疾患調查之第一階段篩檢工具,並以台灣人憂鬱量表作為第二階段之診斷辨識工具,可成為一簡單、經濟、有效的社區大規模調查方式。


Background and purpose: Depression causes personal dysfunction and suffering. To develop an effective screening tool for depression it is essential to improve the detection of patients suffering from depression. The aim of the study is to evaluate the reliability and agreement of the Taiwanese Depression Scale (TDQ) and the 5-item Brief Symptom Rating Scale (BSRS) in a community screening program. Method: A total of 1,552 participants were recruited to accepted telephone evaluation. The TDQ and BSRS were utilized to evaluate depression by non-professional interviewers. The association between the results from the TDQ and the BSRS were assessed by intraclass correlation, Cohen's kappa value and diagnostic agreement. Results: The number of participants screened as having depression by TDQ was 3.7%; those screened as having mental heath problem by BSRS measured 5.1%. Cohen's Kappa value test revealed moderate agreement between the two scales, with a diagnostic agreement of 95.4%. Conclusion: BSRS and TDQ had good reliability and agreement when they were utilized in a community telephone screening evaluation by non-professional interviewers.


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