  • 期刊


Evaluation of Two Impression Techniques for Dental Implants


Background and Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare of two different implant impression techniques using Tapper transfer coping and Impression post, provided by Spline system® (Sulzer-medica Calcitek, U.S.A.). Methods: Two strain gauges (EA-05-062AQ-350, Measurements Group, Raleigh, NC.) were bonded on the horizontal and vertical surface of a master casting framework. After impression and experimental model set up strain of different cast was measured under same humidity and temperature, each model was measured five times. Results: There was significant difference (p<0.05) between master and experimental cast in two impression methods with similar strain. No significant difference between the two impression methods in accuracy. Conclusion: The two impression methods had no significant difference in accuracy. There was significant difference between the master and the two impression methods.


牙科植體 印模 被動密合


Background and Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare of two different implant impression techniques using Tapper transfer coping and Impression post, provided by Spline system® (Sulzer-medica Calcitek, U.S.A.). Methods: Two strain gauges (EA-05-062AQ-350, Measurements Group, Raleigh, NC.) were bonded on the horizontal and vertical surface of a master casting framework. After impression and experimental model set up strain of different cast was measured under same humidity and temperature, each model was measured five times. Results: There was significant difference (p<0.05) between master and experimental cast in two impression methods with similar strain. No significant difference between the two impression methods in accuracy. Conclusion: The two impression methods had no significant difference in accuracy. There was significant difference between the master and the two impression methods.


dental implants impression passive fit.
