  • 期刊


The Development and Evaluation of Teaching Materials for Labor Preparation in Taiwan



目的:在研發一套生產準備多媒體光碟課程並探討其初步成效。方法:研究分為兩個階段完成,第一階段以選取住院期間之產後婦女進行個別訪談,探討婦女生產準備之需求。根據訪談結果,製作生產準備課程之內涵,並經專家評鑑完成生產準備多媒體光碟課程之設計。第二階段以方便取樣方式,選取50位懷孕28週以上產婦為收案對象,測試課程之初步成效。評量工具以生產準備多媒體光碟課程評量表,分別由教材的內容、製作技術方面、學習效果來評量。評量方式除了以量性進行資料分析外,並進一步以訪談方式了解產後婦女對生產準備課程內容實用性的看法。本研究之量性資料以SPSS for Windows 12.0套裝軟體進行描述性統計,質性資料以內容分析方法歸納整理。結果:以「Likert 5分評量表」研究對象對教材內容滿意程度平均值為4.36(SD=0.43);教材製作技術之滿意程度平均值為4.0(SD=0.5);對學習效果之滿意度程度平均值為4.57(SD=0.40)。結論:「生產準備多媒體光碟」能有系統的提供生產準備課程,可讓產婦及其家人了解生產的知識及自己的權益,以家庭為中心的產科護理也更能有效發揮,進而提升整體照護品質,使產婦有機會獲得較正向的生產經驗。


Objective: The development of a multimedia video program on preparing for labor and an assessment of its effectiveness. Methods: There were two stages involved in the design of this multimedia package. The first stage was to interview a number of hospitalized postpartum females in order to assess their needs in terms of labor preparation and the related available literature. The second stage of the design involved selecting fifty 28-week pregnant women as a convenience sample and these subjects were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. The criteria of the evaluation were in terms of the content of the program, the technical aspects of the program and the feedback from the participants. The quantitative data was analyzed by SPSS using descriptive statistics. The qualitative data was analyzed and summarized based on content. Results: Likert scale scoring was used to measure the content satisfaction rate for this multimedia video program and the result were a mean of 4.36 (SD=0.43). A similar analysis of the technical aspects and the feedback gave means of 4.0 (SD=0.50) and 4.57 (SD=0.40), respectively. Conclusions: The participants recognized that this multimedia video program would be able to promote a positive labor experience. Thus the conclusion of the study is that caregivers need to provide a reference point during labor preparation.
