  • 期刊


The Role and Future of Integration Chinese and Western Medicine in Hospital-based Accountable Family Physicians System


以病人為中心,主動評估病患需求,提供持續性、整合性、協調性、可近性、責任性的照護可預防疾病及減少死亡,並可帶來健康分布的公平性。面對社會人口老化,英美日等經濟合作暨發展組織(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 簡稱OECD) 會員國早已積極建立新的醫療整合模式因應。台灣其實也正面臨這個重要的轉變。醫院型家庭責任醫師制度的推行,可結合醫院內各職類人員的專業,並與社區資源合作,可逐步由社區健康營造開始,以因應目前社會變化之健康相關需求。中醫藥是華人地區醫療、生活、文化的一部分,而中西醫併用更是一大特色,對民眾的醫療及保健影響甚鉅。中醫強調「上醫治未病」,在衛生保健方面希望能做到「未病防病,已病防變,已變防漸」,重視生活上的食、衣、住、行是否適合個體所需,既具有現代醫學「預防醫學」的意義,兼有「個體化醫療」的精神,也符合「家庭責任醫師」的目的。因此發展中西醫結合特色的醫院型家庭責任醫師制度的健康照護模式,深具意義。


Chronic disease, patient-centered, integrative, comprehensive and cooperative health care has become an important issue in the expansion of geriatric population. Many OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries, such as U.S., U.K. and Japan have developed new care model to suit the condition. Taiwan is now facing the rapid increase of aging population, so the new health care model is in need. The Hospital-based Accountable Family physician System Pilot Project aims to form a new health care model to suit the changing needs of the society. As prevention is the key issue in Chinese medicine, we believe that an integration of traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine, community medicine with multiple medical professionals such as nurses, dietitians, rehabilitation division, social workers and community resources with information technology, may be a solution to the health care of the aging society.


