  • 期刊


A Study on Severe Parole Policy and Recommitment Career of Parolees in Taiwan


由於我國近年來幾次假釋政策性修訂,不論從嚴或從寬之假釋政策,其對於降低累再犯率或撤銷假率其效果並不顯著,九十四年二月二日剛修正通過之刑法,其假釋條件又更嚴荷。故本研究希望對假釋出獄人其再犯罪之歷程加以探討與了解,以更了解假釋出獄人再犯歷程與相關因素,才能對症下藥,擬定相關之治安對策。 本研究選定在台灣台北監獄執行中之假釋中再犯罪,而再度入監執行之受刑人,以立意取樣之方式,抽取六名並有意願接受訪談的犯罪人,進行半結構式深度訪談,以了解假釋出獄後再犯罪之歷程。而資料之分析則採用現象學方式加以分析。 資料分析之結果:假釋出獄人之再犯罪歷程主要是經過下列四個歷程之階段的演變:(一)假釋出監前時期:即立志悛悔向上、重回社會之期待期;(二)假釋出監至再犯案時期:此時期主要是假釋出獄人回歸社會後之生活適應狀況,其內心常處於現實環境與堅持過正常生活的矛盾與衝突中;(三)假釋中再犯罪時期:此一時期常由於自己好玩把持不住、受以前一起玩的朋友或獄中朋友的影響、社會的排斥與找尋工作所遇到的挫折等個人、社會及同儕等因素之影響,再度誤入歧途;(四)撤銷假釋後再入監執行時期:即再度因犯罪而又重回監獄執行撤銷假釋殘刑期與再犯罪案件之心態調適與對重刑化假釋政策之反應。 出獄人之再犯罪歷程,由出監前之充滿信心,到回到社會中因種種因素而適應不良,終至再度誤歧途,而重回監獄。由本研究受訪者之口中所說出的一句話「會怕的關一天的就怕,不怕的關再久還是不怕。」即可印證今日重刑化之假釋政策對預防出獄人再犯罪其效果並不顯著之原因。由此再犯歷程之研究可以看出,增加對其出獄後之就業輔導、家庭、社會的支持及相關協助資源之投資,才能真正阻斷出獄人再犯罪之動機,解決假釋出獄人再犯罪問題。


矯正機構 假釋 撤銷假釋 再犯


The parole policy in Taiwan has corrected many a time, but whatever it is severe or light, its effectiveness is not notable to reduce the recommitment rate and revoked parole rate. the study hope to understand parolees' experience from pre-parole to re-imprisonment in outside. That can make us better realize relevant factors and careers cause parolees recommit crime. In this study we utilize Semi-structure interviewing to interview six inclination recommitment prisoner through purposed sampling from the Taipei Prison. To more understand their criminal career and another relative recommitment factors after parole. According to data analyses, the findings of this study about criminal recommitment career have four stages: the first stage, pre-parole period, the general inmates are determined to turn over a new leaf, once they are released by parole, and genuinely respect to return to society. The second stage, parole to recommitment crime period, the parolees in this period need to adapt themselves to the society life when they are released from prison. Their inner world always have some conflict between the real society repelled and decision to live a normal life by themselves. The third stage is recommitment crime during parole period due to some negative factors to affect them. For example, parolees can’t keep a kindhearted behavior or resist peer pressure, and the frustration for looking for jobs, etc. Then they commit crime again. The fourth, revoked re-imprisonment in prison period, how to adjust their attitude when they recommit crime and re-imprison. In addition, researcher is to explore their perspectives about the severe parole policy. Regarding parolees' recommiting career, they are always full of confidence to come back free society, but always meeting many negative factors which affect their adjustment. Finally, they always make similar mistakes again, and then they are brought back prison again. Interviewees say ”If a inmate was afraid of imprisonment, just one day is enough for him/her; if not, even through he/her is imprisoned for a long time, he isn't still afraid.” This can explain the function of the deterrence of the severe parole policy why it is not notable. From the conclusion of study, we can realize from parolees' recommiting career, our government want to reduce the recommitment rate they should focus on helping their post-parole life in society, not just using in severe laws to deter them.


