  • 期刊


Investigation of manufacturing environment and hazard risk factor assessment of hot pot soups served in local restaurants


火鍋近年成為外食者最喜歡之料理之一,火鍋湯底常加入各式之蔬菜、肉類、海鮮等食物進行熬煮。此外有些火鍋添加中藥材做為養生題材或直接使用湯底粉做為基底。火鍋湯底內含物成分相當複雜,因此可能含有潛在性危險因子,因此必進行其風險評估。本研究於103 年1月至6 月至台灣各地之連鎖或個體火鍋餐飲店37 家進行製作環境調查並採取檢體共71 件進行檢驗鹽度、亞硝酸鹽、防腐劑、甜味劑及重金屬(銅、汞、砷、鉛、鎘)含量。製作環境之檢查依照食品良好衛生規範準則(GHP)進行,其他所有化學檢驗項目均依照中華民國國家標準及衛生福利部公告的檢驗方法進行。在環境與工作人員衛生方面,大型連鎖店火鍋店員工教育訓練最完備,環境衛生普遍清潔衛生。但有少部分個體經營店家雖然用餐環境佳,但是廚房作業環境仍有待改善。在廣告及使用調味粉調查方面,有2 家廣告不實以及3 家湯底粉來源不明之情形。其各項化學檢驗檢驗結果方面,鹽度71 件中大於4 度有10 件,其中9 件為麻辣鍋及1 件養生鍋。亞硝酸鹽含量超過0.050 g/kg 以上有8 件,其中有一件台中某火鍋店之養生鍋更高達0.274 g/kg,其餘含量較高者大多為麻辣鍋、養生鍋及大骨湯。46 件火鍋湯底含麩胺酸鈉,其含量範圍為0.1 %~1.2%。防腐劑及甜味劑均未檢出。重金屬則方面則僅檢驗出一件樣品含0.6 ppm 的銅。本調查檢驗結果將提供給政府作為火鍋餐飲業衛生自主管理及風險評估之參考數據。


In recent years, hot pot cuisine has become one of the most popular dishes for eating out consumer in Taiwan. The food ingredients of hot pot cuisine are very complex due to add many various kinds of foods being added, such as vegetable, meat, bone, sea food and seasoning powder etc., to cook. In addition, some Chinese herbal medicines are added into soup for health claims. Therefore, hot pot soups may contain many potential risk factors, it is necessary to establish a mechanism of potential risk factor testing and following risk assessment additives. In this study, we visited 37 individual and chain hot pot restaurants to investigate kitchen environments and collected 71 hot pot soup samples from January to June, 2014. We examined all samples for their salinities, food additives (L-glutamic acid sodium (MSG), nitrite, sweeteners, and preservatives), heavy metals (Cu, Hg, As, Pb, Cd) and for all samples according to the TFDA announced methods. For the result of regarding to the cleanliness of kitchen and health education and training of staff, it showed that the chain restaurants were better than individual. We also found 2 cases of false advertisement form 2 different restaurants and 3 cases of unknown labeled seasoning powders form 3 different restaurants. For the result of regarding to food component analysis, it showed that 10 out of these 71 samples were greater than 4 degrees in salinity, 8 samples were more than 0.05 g/kg in nitrite, and 46 samples were detected to contain MSG in the range of 0.1 %~1.2 %. Only one sample was detected with 0.6 ppm copper. Neither sweeteners nor preservatives were detected form all samples. The result of this work can provide the government as a reference for restaurant health self-management and risk assessment.
