  • 期刊


A Study on Patient Satisfaction in a Regional Hospital Emergency Department


本研究目的在了解急診病患對所接受的急診服務滿意度,並探討病患滿意度四個構面(就醫過程、服務態度、等候時間和環境設施)與推薦醫院給親友意願的關係。本研究以方便取樣的方式,並以結構式問卷進行資料的收集,共回收有效問卷206 份。分析後其結果如下:一、研究發現研究對象對醫院滿意度以100 分來計算時,達到83.3 分。整體而言,研究對象對醫院是持正向態度的。而以四個構面來看時,就醫過程和服務態度的滿意度最高,尤其對醫師和護理人員的滿意度相當高;相對地,對於醫院環境設施和等候時間的滿意度較差,尤其是急診室經常保持安靜的滿意度可說是不及格(59.0 分),對於急診室洗手間經常保持清潔和空氣(冷暖氣)調節適中的滿意度也有待改善。二、研究對象的滿意度在性別、年齡、教育程度和就診科別上,並未發現有任何顯著的差異存在。三、研究對象是否願意推薦醫院給親友的重要預測因子,有醫院環境設施和服務態度的滿意度。


The purpose of this study was to explore patient satisfaction in a regional hospital emergency department. There were four dimension, which were medical procedure, employees’ service attitude, waiting time and environment, to be discussed. 206 subjects were selected by convenience sampling and the data were collected by structured questionnaire. The results were as following: 1. The patient satisfaction score were 83.3(total 100). The subjects’ had positive attitude to the hospital. The research found that subjects had high satisfaction with the dimension of medical procedure and employees’ service attitude, and low satisfaction with environment and waiting time. Especially, satisfaction with keeping the emergency room quietly was the lowest. Almost could be say fail, the score was 59.0. The dimension of toilet and air condition still had some space to be improved. 2. The research was not found the patient satisfaction had any different from gender, age, education and category. 3. The patient satisfaction with environment and employees’ service attitude were two important factors to predict the patients who had intention to introduce the hospital to their relatives or friends.
