  • 期刊


Human Resources Management Practices on Terrorism Issues in the Eastern Asia: Cross-national Challenge, Reconsideration, and Proposition


自從美國911攻擊與兩次答里島爆炸事件後,舉世許多組織對緊急事件現劃(emergency planning)有了嶄新的關注。有效防犯恐怖主義需要改變組織對外在環境威脅的思考模式,而這可能將由人力資源部門(human resource departments)所主導。根本上,人力資源管理必須將其角色與災難管理做類比思考,以達成有效的緊急事件規劃,於是,緊急事件發生後為確保作業的持續性,本研究檢視四個關鍵規劃性措施,並透過系統動態法(system dynamics),闡明恐怖攻擊後,組織在作業狀態上的肇因。在遭受了恐怖份子攻擊後,組織應留意如何在人力資源管理方面發展有效之道,本論文藉由因果迴圈的質性分析,探索恐怖主義帶給人力資源發展之衛擊與挑戰。其周詳的考量要表現在組織溝通上的變革、人力規劃與持續等等。這對恐怖攻擊之災後所必需處理的任務增添了挑戰性。於是以完善人力資源為主的綜合規劃應包括事前的溝通、徹離規劃、危機處理訓練、文件資料保存紀錄、存貨調度能力、意外預防能力及垮國管理能力等要項,並應落實於對員工宣導與明確地對其訓練,始能在危機發生之時,發揮穩定作用。


Since the 9/11 attack in the United States (2001) and the two bombing events in Bali (2002, 2005), there has been a renewed interest in emergency prevention policies in many organizations around the World. Functional terrorism preparedness requires changes in organizational thinking about external environmental threats, and this could be led by human resource (HR) departments. In order to achieve this goal, HR departments must redefine their role in terms of crisis management, then four key planning measures for insuring post-emergency operations should be observed. Using system dynamics (SD) methodology, our paper examines the causes of states in which organizations operate after terror attacks. After suffering the Terrorist attacks, organizations should carefully consider how to develop effective methods for HR management. Based on the qualitative analytic approach of causal loops, this article explores the major impacts and challenges for HR development prompted by terrorism. Consideration will need to be given to changes in organizational communication as well as workforce planning and succession. This would constitute a tremendous challenge to be added to other necessary work immediately following any disaster, particularly a terrorist attack. Thereupon a perfect HR plan includes planning elements for proactive alertness, inventory dispatched ability, evacuation and record preservation coupled with dissemination to employees plus explicit employee training and cross-cultural managem ent.
