  • 期刊

The Portrayal of Women in Two Male Writers’ 228 Stories: "Winter Night" and "Potsdam Chief"





Fredrick Jameson's provocative notion of national allegory has useful resonance in an examination of February 28th(228) stories in Taiwan which variously embody discourses of the nation. Numerous Taiwanese male writers employ the figure of a woman to embody Taiwan in their 228 stories. The stories of female protagonists' destiny are often ”allegories of the embattled situation” of Taiwanese society both around the time of the 228 repression and thereafter. In this essay the ways in which two 228 stories by male writers, ”Winter Night” by Lu Heruo and ”Potsdam Chief” by Wu Zhuoliu, adopt this trope are examined. Both writers stand in opposition to the Kuomintang regime and use their portrayal of female figures as a mechanism for the promotion of their political views. While in one case the very body of the female protagonist becomes the site of struggle over its meaning and ownership in the second case the female character becomes the embodiment of Taiwan's disillusionment, both authors appropriate the female predicament of victimhood. This essay will explore the implications both of this exploitation and its concomitant replication of male exploitation of women.


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