  • 期刊


A Study on the Leisure Activities of the I-Lan Residents


政府籌畫多年終於在2001年1月1日正式實施週休二日,公務人員每週工作5天的小時,企業界之事業單位每兩週工時84小時,因此一般大眾應有較多的閒暇時間可從事各種休閒活動。我們以宜蘭地區的民眾作為調查對象,希望以問卷的方式瞭解民眾在該制度實施後,其工作時數、型態、從事休閒活動的情形、目的和限制因素、工作效率等的變化。完成問卷後,經分析得到以下的結果:1. 答卷者每週的工作時數和上班型式因各行業的工作屬性而異,雖大都依循現有的型態,但彈性工時和部分工時的工作者未來仍有發展的空間。2. 實施週休二日制度後,認為工作效率會提昇,以從事公共行政業、社會及個人服務業者和大專程度以上者比例最高。可能因他們的工作時間較固定,有較多的閒暇時間可安排從事休閒活動,並藉以舒暢身心,進而提昇工作效率。3. 週休二日制度實施後,答卷者會因教育程度的高低或所從事行業的不同,影響其是否會受刺激而從事休閒活動。4. 最常從事休閒活動的項目,依序是看電視電影、閱讀書報、國內外旅遊、聽音樂、廣播及散步,不同性別問相似度極高,僅先後順序略有差異而已。5. 有112位是利用週六下午或晚上、週日或假日的時間從事休閒活動;近六成八的人,每次的平均花費在1,000元以下者;已婚者最常和家人、未婚者則最常與朋友一起從事休閒活動。6. 不論其性別為何,從事休閒活動最重要的三個目的:舒緩身心、增進家庭和睦和擴充生活體驗;經因素分析、集群分析、鑑別分析後可將答卷者分為:求知型、務實型、社交型、自信型、健康型等五大類型。7. 未能從事休閒活動的重要限制因素依序是時間、金錢、體力、家庭和找不到適當的場地或空間。


Government for several years planned the two-day weekend program. It had been implemented on 2001 Jan. 1. The employee of public administration work for 5 days a week, and the employee of enterprise work for 84hours every two weeks. The people have more and more disengaged time to arrange their leisure activities. The main purpose of this study is to understand (by using the questionnaire) their opinions after having two-day weekend. Those are about: Working hours, working types, situations, goals, limited factors of leisure activities, and the performance at work. The analyzed results are shown in following points: 1. The questionnaires didn't change their working hours and types after having two-day weekend. But the space of the elastic worktime and partial worktime workers will gradually growing in the future. 2. The employee of public administration, social, personal and related community services promote their performance after having two-day weekend. They have disengaged time to arrange their leisure activities so they can relax their body and mind. 3. The questionnaires decided to engage in leisure activities whether or not by degree or industry after having two-day weekend. 4. The favorite leisure activities are going movies, watching televisions, reading newspaper, magazines, traveling, listening to music and taking a walk, at ordered. 5. Ther are 112 questionnaires are used to engage in leisure activities in weekend. About 68% of questionnaires spend less than NTD 1,000 on leisure activities. Companions of the married are family, and those of the single are friends. 6. No matter who is, to relax body and mind, promote family peace, increase living experience are the principal three goals, engaging in leisure activities. Five kinds of questionnaires, divided by factor analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, are consisting of pursuing knowledge, practical, sociality, self-confidence, and health. 7. The most limited factors are time, money, strength, family and place when they engage in leisure activities
